Ridiculously Overpriced Items?

Hi OzB

Never posted in forum before and perhaps it doesn't deserve a post also doubt it'll get more than 1 reply… but I noticed the General Pants sale/deal posted and somebody mentioned GP being expensive. A lot of their items seem reasonable.

Now I'm one who doesn't mind paying $50-100 for a good surf/skate/ski branded jumper and understand a nice designed jumper/other clothing item going for a decent $50-100. Fair enough.

But can somebody please explain to me how on earth can somebody/a brand can charge $130 for this? http://www.generalpants.com.au/shop-mens/ksubi/fleece/regula…

Like seriously?! I've seen 1,000 different brands sell plain coloured jumpers/tees etc. You could probably go get this jumper from Target for $10, perhaps not the same quality.

But honestly does anyone actually PAY this? Like seriously? $130 for a jumper that doesn't even come with a design? Nothing fancy? A plain black jumper?

How do they get off charging this much for a jumper I could get from many other brands/stores for like bugger all?!

I just don't get it!

Are there other plain items like this be it fashion or otherwise that are the exact same as an identical product, more boring yet cost 1 trillion times more? like wtf?!

I understand like a popular fashion label charging more etc. But this doesn't even have any branding on it.


  • +1

    I've visited many Asian countries and European countries, when you see $10,000 items, that seem fairly plain with a small logo of a L and a V you will start to wonder what it means to be seriously over priced.

    But I do agree, I wouldn't want to pay over 100 bucks for something you can get for 1/5 or even 1/10 , similar look at a target or big w etc.

  • You answer your own question.

    "You could probably go get this jumper from Target for $10, perhaps not the same quality."

    Personally I'm happy to pay more for an item of clothing if the quality is good. I don't want to have some tacky logo on it showing people just how much money I was prepared to spend.

    That said who knows with Ksubi, it might just be a rip off. I'm amazed that shoddily run brand is still alive.

  • vote with your wallet

  • $0 deliver on this item. Nice of GP. That will convince me to pay that much for a windcheater. LOL

  • Many items are ridiculously overpriced in Australia. Do you really think an S class Mercedes is worth $300k? You would be laughed out of a showroom at prices like that in most countries. In the USA you can get a rolls royce for that money.

    Do you think a 2 bedroom shack is worth $1million? Because that is what you will pay in Melbourne or Sydney, anywhere near the city. In the last month in Melbourne a 1 bedroom apartment in East Melbourne went for $1.4 million and a 2 bedroom single fronted victorian house on a tiny block in Richmond went for $1.525 million. That is crazy money, and you wouldn't even see that in London. Its all governed by the market and people are willing to pay this kind of money. I guess its the cost of living in Australia. (Apart from the cars, that is simply the manufacturers ripping off Australians, it has nothing to do with tax or transport costs, it is purely price fixing).

    • yeah but they are known brands with known affliations and engineering

      everyone knows the S class is the ride of the 1% and a house in a good suburb is money in the bank

      but what is a Ksubi? I would argue that even something like an LV handbag or Ralph Lauren shirt has some intrinsic value for the brand itself

  • The blame rests entirely with people who pay those prices.

  • Grew up in my parents business, when price used to be cost + small profit margin.
    Then in uni, we learnt from Adam Smith's Invisible hand of equilibrium, price depends on supply and demand.
    Now in the new era, we have Veblen's goods when people are willing to pay inflated price so no one else have it. Read this repost article from uk telegraph. link
    Don't think this is a new concept. Most of us would have read the Emperor's new clothes.

  • +1

    When your young it's a matter of look over comfort & that comes at a cost & being able to brag how much you payed for an item. As you get older it's a matter of comfort over look (well to a certain extent!) & able to brag at how little you payed for an item.

    At the end of last winter I bought a relatively thick black polyester parker for $10 a bargain price from Big W. It's nothing flash but kept me warm during the winter just passed all for $10 made by some obscure brand. The younger brigade would not of even battered an eyelid at the rack of these $10 parkers which was fine by me!

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