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Free on Kindle: Declutter: How to Declutter Your Life, a Simple 19 Steps Guide

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How to Declutter your life, a simple 19 steps guide to get clutter free life and home

Get a clutter free home now

Are you tired of trying and badly wish to get clutter out of your way? This text summarizes some amazingly simple and easy ways to declutter your life. We all hold clutter at some part of our life and everyone has a different threshold of clutter holding. The thing that matters the most is your will to declutter. And the factor that matters the most is how you declutter? Clutter is a fairly common issue and five out of every ten people find hard to declutter. In this context, a thorough light has been thrown to help you knock off the clutter of your life. There are nineteen tried and tested ways that guide you to deal with almost every kind of clutter that affects your life and surroundings. Also the ways to identify the clutter has been revealed. You would find this text more like a fun ride and it surely will impart a white wash effect on your clutter.

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closed Comments

  • Grabbed your book and I will have a read, many tks for your post.

  • +4

    step 1: throw existing crap out. step 2: don't buy more useless crap from Kogan, tmart, etc etc.

  • +3

    step 3757652752) stop buying eneloops

  • +9

    I have to declutter my Kindle first, your book won't fit. :)

  • +3

    stop visiting ozbargain

  • +11

    Thanks, have printed a few hard copies to leave around the house.

    • some reading in the [not so] quite room?

  • And here was I thinking it was "one-in-two people" that find it hard to declutter…

  • +2

    Decluttering is an impossible task for ozbargainers

    • +3

      one of the tip in the book is to stop buy new stuff..

      and on ozbargain there is just way too many eneloops and cree torches being posted daily

      • Yeah, and all the freebies! One does not simply refuse a freebie!

        • +1

          unless they are digital freebies

          -kindle books
          -free apps

          However those digital items can be clutter themselves..

          If you look at your kindle/udemy/app library, how big is your clutter

          How hard is it to find what you are looking for?

          Also how many of those books, courses, apps have you read, learnt or used


          The key is sometimes you just need to do this once in a while
          -wipe everything clean (phone, computer, tablet)
          -format hdd
          -take most junk out of your room and home..

          There's a great feeling when your homescreen is fresh and not cluttered with apps you hardly ever used..

          Also have space is just as important as having stuff…

          Also look at this, it is so true

        • @tyler.durden: your comment made me lol'ed, that video made me laugh even harder. Thanks for the good times, and also enlightenment.

  • See above.

  • +1

    I don't know but how about you start by throwing crap out that you don't use!! And how about we declutter ozbargain by throwing out this post!!

  • Downloaded the book. Thanks. As a freebie it's good, but if the author thinks it's worth $5 I think they're kidding. This book has obviously not been professionally written or edited. There are numerous grammar, spelling and syntax errors.

    • at least it is done but if needed TA posted this
      with a course on kindle formatting.

      Need the book got the book.

    • as long as the content or ideas are good, then bad formatting can be forgiven..

      plus it is free

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