Dirt Cheap Overseas Food and/or Culture Experience Suggestions

A few of you know my wife recently left. Well, I'm weary of my own company. So I'm thinking about taking an overseas trip.

It could be anything from a few days, to a few weeks depending on cost. (I'm on DSP so can't go longer than 6 weeks I believe.)

I've barely left NSW in my life, and never been out of Australia. So I'd really appreciate any input and/or suggestions for an ozbargain-style holiday. i.e. Dirt cheap. (Well, maybe even "filthy cheap".) ;-)

I'd like to go somewhere where:

  1. I can communicate at least reasonably well in English. And/or run across other tourists that do so we can work things out between us if need be.

  2. Eat CHEAP food of a different culture. Even street food is fine.

  3. CHEAP accommodation - preferably places easy to walk out of and into another if the first proves unsuitable - but where my things won't be stolen. I only intend on sleeping there, so don't need TV, etc. - just bed and shower.

  4. Regularly has cheap and easy-to-find return airfares.

  5. As I've recently discovered, I'm far too trusting - or is it naive - for my own good. So somewhere I'm safe. i.e. Not likely to get violently ill for days from the food, conned, robbed, beaten up. Or how to sensibly avoid those things.

  6. Something more to do there than just wander city streets looking in shop windows would be nice. Well that is, unless there is really interesting stuff I guess. Example: I've heard of places in the past where you are measured, and come home with dirt cheap tailored clothes.

  7. Not interested in the sex, drug, or alcohol scene. Probably won't be buying gadgets but would still look I guess.

  8. I'm thinking possibly somewhere in Asia? Because I do like the food. Not so much the bitter or lime juice type. More Cantonese style I believe you'd call it - though I probably would still try that other type if available. But I'm not necessarily biased on any of this. I just want to go somewhere - anywhere that's cheap - and not HERE for a while.

I'm in mid-40s if that matters.

Oh, and does anyone know if I absolutely MUST be vaccinated? (I'd really prefer not to, due to the type of illness I have.)

Thanks for any replies… I guess I should find out how to obtain a passport - and apply for a 28 Degrees card in the meantime. :-)


  • +3

    Hey RFM, I'm thinking Hong Kong. Really easy to get around - just jump on the train.
    The young ppl there speak English, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
    Food is cheap, but u can splurge if you want to. Cantonese food over there is way better than here.
    You can also jump on the train and head across the Chinese border to Shenzhen for a few days (you will need a Visa). Here you can get cheaper food, massages and tailored clothing.
    Or take the ferry to Macau for a few days and look at the casinos.
    The other place is Japan, which is really safe and clean. But accommodation aint cheap, and less ppl know English compared to Hong Kong imo.

    • +1

      even though there are protests in HK at the moment, I would still consider it safe to go.

  • Taiwan?

    Hong Kong is good, though the last time I've been there was probably 12 years ago. You gotta try the stinky tofu at least once! Of the most common variety you'll see are 'char chan ting' (literally, tea restaurant) and even a quite few of these exist in Australia, e.g Ching Yip Coffee Lounge at Sussex St.

    I'm not so sure about mainland China — they are plagued with food safety issues and after watching the gutter oil clip on Youtube, I think I'm forever turned off chinese street food.

    I went to Vietnam 2 years ago, the food is uber cheap, even fine dining would only set you back $25 AUD and you get to eat and drink at the Shri at HCMC, which is a welcome change from street food (not that I mind street food, but some places can be rather unhygienic). And all you can eat buffet gardens and seafood restaurants where you can order live seafood.

  • Singapore. Its a first world country but bloody hot. English is the official language for business and instruction, Cheap to get to, cheap food from multiple cultures (can safely fall back on western too if you like), quite a number of tourist attractions to keep you occupied for a week, plenty of other tourists and it is a very clean organized country. Not too sure about accommodations though, if you are trusting enough for Air BnB it should be reasonably priced. In my opinion Air BnB in Singapore should be very safe. They have a death penalty for murder kidnapping and drug trafficking.

    Overall cost is not going to lower than any other asian country (other than japan, korea or the huge chinese cities) but it is pretty much the best place you can go to if you want a balance of all points in your post.

    • Hm… Don't handle heat well. :-) When is the best time of year to go?

      • Not sure http://www.worldweatheronline.com/Singapore-weather-averages… when the weather is a little cooler it is because of the higher probability of rain. Lots of huge air conditioned shopping malls though. Almost everything indoor is airconditioned. Some tourist attractions like the zoos are not.

        The next alternative would be heading to china in winter (now). I doubt there are any cool and cheap places around.

        I guess you will have to prioritize your requirements and maybe step out of your comfort zone for abit. Who knows what you may learn or find.

    • singapore is expensive. possibly the most expensive of asian countries. I lived in Japan for 4 years and, whilst it isn't "asia cheap" it is not like Singapore for cost.

      • I am quite surprised you say so. I've been to both and have always thought for the same things/experience it cost a lot more in japan. I'm sure cars and houses are probably a little more expensive in Singapore. However, as a tourist are both experiences comparable?

        I think maybe wage would be a factor here if you consider living there long term instead of visiting.

        Also, I find that if you are after a little of the japanese countryside experience, the scenery and temperature can be had for a lot cheaper in taiwan.

  • +2

    Hey RFM,
    I hope you're looking after yourself. Ive been thinking about you and was hoping you were okay. I agree with Singapore. There are hostels over there. The whole place is very clean and safe and cheap. I am sure they have a place in the hostel to secure your chattels, but it is a pretty low crime place. There is not a need to bring a lot anyway.
    you could even take the train up to Chang mai. It would takes several days on the overnight trains but you could stop off in that shot hole, KL on the way. You could stop off in phuket or koh samui and other cheap beach places. Then on to Bangkok and finally chang mai.

    Check out the website themaninseat61.com
    It will tell you about every train journey in the world,including photos of the bunks and directions on how to buy tickets. And the cost of tickets and what to eat on the train and the train schedule.

    You can also then take a really cheap mini van ride to the Thai- Laos border and take a two day boat ride for very cheap through some truly magnificent country. And end up in luang prabang. You can find ok places in Chang mai for seven bucks a night and I know a lot of people spend under twenty bucks a night in LP. you can always find a way to.communicate.

    It will start getting dramatically more expensive to get out of oz very soon, so you should leave soon or wait until mid January or later. I hope you are seeing your kids.

    The nice thing about Thailand and Laos is they are predominantly Buddhist abd peaceful and accepting. I was very seriously considering retiring in Chang mai.

    Let us know what you decide and how you go. Since you are my "middle husband "a part of me will travel with you.

    You are a good man,RFM. Things will get better. You just have to slog through the rubbish between now and then.

    Take care.

  • +1

    Philippines is dirt cheap.
    Cheap flights with Cebu Pacific from SYD to MNL.
    2 week indulgent holiday cost me $2k

    Vietnam is good, but English is a tad more broken, but they're all so friendly that it's half the fun. Flights are a bit more expensive, but dirt cheap once you get there.

    Other option is fly Scoot to Singapore and then take AirAsia or Tiger almost anywhere else for next to nothing.

    SE Asia is incredibly friendly and English is amazingly well spoken. You'll get by in most countries (major tourist areas at least) with a smile and a good attempt at pointing, describing or signing what you want. It's all part of the adventure.

  • +2

    Head to Malaysia via AirAsia or Singapore with Scoot. Malaysia is 30 mins bus away from Singapore anyway.
    Regular fares around $180 each way.

    The food is out of this world, English is widely spoken, and people are friendly.

    Philippines is not a place to go for food - really. It's awful unless you pay top dollar. Though it does have the most beautiful islands i've ever seen.

    Many beautiful sights to see!

  • Pattaya

  • Thank you all for the replies so far. I'll go through the info more carefully when I feel more capable. If others have more to add, please do so - suggestions, places, things to see, try… I'd appreciate it.

  • Just noticed no seasoned travellers replied to the vaccination question. Do you HAVE to do that to leave/return to Australia?

    • No, you don't have to get vaccinated; but it would be wise to get whatever vaccinations a doctor you trust suggests that you should, based on where you are travelling, IMHO, for various reasons. May I ask why you don't want to?
      Also, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Thailand or Indonesia yet. Both great places, diverse too, so you can seek out whatever type of "scene" you'd like to immerse yourself in before you go, then head of there. Very cheap too, lovely people, great cultural experiences to be had (don't spend too much time in the "big cities" is my advice; get out and see the 'real' country/communities).

      • I have an autoimmune disease I've slowly been overcoming for over a decade. And vaccines are known to cause the same. (Although Western medicine continues to vehemently deny it.)

  • if you are an omnivore then just go anyway and , seriously, you'll be fine. my only concern with travelling is that I'm vegetarian (for the last 20 years) and have travelled to 40 + countries and gotten by without issues. the only problem I 've had is with food and knowing it's vegetarian. though in a lot of countries the people understand buddhist or hare krishna dietary requirements (or the concepts of them)-so they they somewhat understand. except in Japan. most people didn't understand what a proper vegetarian would eat.

  • +1

    I would recommend Vietnam actually. Cheap airfare, lots of activities, cheap food, good coffee, easy to get around, plenty of affordable day tours to choose from. Loved my time in Vietnam HCM

    • +1


      "Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy"
      "Human Capital Management"

      Took me a while: "Ho Chi Minh" (City - Vietnam). :-)

  • +1

    For cheap and interesting I'd go Vietnam . I love Singapore but found it expensive and hot and muggy even at night (but I may have gone at the wrong time. ) The problem with se Asia is the heat.

    My sister has ms and is probably similarly affected by heat. She just came back from a se Asian cruise and holiday - she just prepares for holidays- cool wraps for her neck, fans, air conditioning in the room and plenty of rest.

    I have travelled a fair bit in Asia and haven't had any vaccinations - but this is just due to laziness on my behalf. I haven't been unlucky so far.

  • +1

    Been to a few places in Asia. Like others have said above Vietnam is excellent. I was there for 3 weeks a few years ago. Everything is dirt cheap, food is delicious, there are tropical islands, mountain villages, bustling cities, everything really. English might be a struggle on occasion but overall you won't have anything to worry about.
    Malaysia is probably the best place I've been for food. Also the street food there is really clean, food poisoning is unheard of there (well as prevalent as here at least). It's really hot there though, and it's not as developed as singapore, although it has a lot of outdoor attractions like wildlife parks, mountains etc.
    Singapore, HK and Macau are nice but on the pricey side. Taiwan is nice too, similar to those three (in Taipei at least). Quite a bit of outdoors stuff too, but English is a massive struggle there, and most street signs/maps don't have latin letters on them.
    Indonesia (Bali mainly for tourists) is quite cheap, although I think prices are going up with increases in tourist arrivals. You have to be careful of food there too.
    Laos and Cambodia have a similar feel to Vietnam but are less developed (and have fewer tourists except at Angkor Wat).

    Tl;DR Malaysia or Vietnam :)

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