Hi guys this is the Best deal I've ever seen
1 x YG0210 PlayStation 3 Slim 120GB Console
1 x YG7260 PlayStation 3 Colin McRae: Dirt 2
1 x YG7212 PS3 Tom Clancy's HAWX
**Some on whirlpool managed return both game for $110 each…
Hi guys this is the Best deal I've ever seen
1 x YG0210 PlayStation 3 Slim 120GB Console
1 x YG7260 PlayStation 3 Colin McRae: Dirt 2
1 x YG7212 PS3 Tom Clancy's HAWX
**Some on whirlpool managed return both game for $110 each…
says vic & act in title
Not sure.. waiting for more OZbargainers to confirm it.
Maybe you can ring the local shop and let us know
Confirmed, also available in DSE Brookvale NSW. Please update this deal. Saw this deal advertised on thursday 1st October 2009 in my local paper her in Sydney (Manly Daily - northern beaches).
Dick Smith Powerhouse
Warringah Mall
Broookvale Sydney NSW
Not the store I went to this afternoon…had to settle for the PS3 + Dirt 2 combo for $494.
Was in my local VIC Kingston Leader newspaper as being a Southland Special.
i can confirm. this is a valid deal in canberra. valid for woden and Civic Canberra, and valid till end of this week (sunday).
Great deal.
What's the EB trade price for Dirt 2 and HAWX?
Might get them to match the deal there as EB reduce the price of the console directly if you trade in the games.
Might make a PS3 Slim around $350 :)
Was wondering the same thing :)
DiRT 2 was launched last month and HAWX is about 4-6 mths old if memory serves correct, so it should be quite high. Very, very good deal IMO. I can't wait for DiRT 2 on PC :)
not bad, i picked one up for a friend's wedding prezzie in jbhifi last week, got slim ps3, bluray pack (contained 300 bluray movie, 10,000 bc bluray movie and bluray controller) a hdmi cable and killzone 2 for $500
that was jbhifi glendale (newcastle)
should have bought the pack with Batman Begins in it bro, 10,000 BC sucks
i was thinking that the package i got him was a better entertainment setup considering there were two movies, brd remote and a kick ass game
there is 2 bluray packs mate, both have 300 but one has Batman instead of 10,000. still a good deal though mate (i can't wait for my wedding ;))
aaahh i thought you meant the Batman AA pack, my bad
Is Dicksmith southland the one at westfield, doncaster?
Way off.
Southland is on Neapean Highway in Cheltenham :)
Good deal for 2 games and PS3 SLIM.
Pity you can't hack the PS3 - if you could I'd buy one
Got EB to price match. They were happy to do it.
H.A.W.X and DIRT 2 were $100 each. Gonna play and trade.
if anyone in canberra I reccomend going to Myer city, I got good deal thier for price match. Where they didnt have the same games or items saleperson can exchange for other games or in my deal gave further discounts on price.
I got them to match a few weeks back the JB $494 ps3 + hdmi + WWE game + bluray disc, they didnt have those extras so gave me 007 game and $60 off. Oh and i got $115 vouchers cause of their MyerOne bonus promotion.
nvm…..wrong post
Can someone please upload a scan of the ad from the Herald Sun?
NOTE: Scan no longer required. DSE have updated their site, online price is now $499 as well.
The PS3 HDD is very easy to upgrade yourself. You can get a 250gb HDD @ MSY for $66.
is this available in QLD?