Because of "depictions of violence against women" (has link to press release PDF)
Their loss on this one for listening to a vocal minority full of crazies.
Because of "depictions of violence against women" (has link to press release PDF)
Their loss on this one for listening to a vocal minority full of crazies.
@kdtrey35: I've always found cheaper than ozgameshop, both sent from UK. zavvi monday sales (if you sub to their newsletter) are especially good deals
What a joke, looks like I am not shopping at Target from here on.
Here is a thoughtful article on the issue.
From the first time my wife read a few lines from fifty shades of grey, i thought why the hell is that book for sale to anyone including kids?
Why is 50 shades not restricted to 18+ and GTA5 is, both are (were) sold at target and kmart (Wesfarmers)? in fact, why do books not have regulation at all because there is now a tonne of detritus like 50 shades available after its success.
The only thing to come of this is Eb's and JB laughing all the way to the bank. Previously target was selling for $59 and eb's had for $99
I got GTA5 for X360 a few months ago from the good guys it was on clearance for $34. I played some of the other GTA games and was ok with them. But going for the shock value in this game, I do believe they overstepped a few lines that didn’t need to be crossed for the game to be successful. So now I only play the game after kids have gone to bed.
This is the first and only game that I would actually consider playing in a toned down version. And I have been gaming since the days of wolfenstein/doom. The developers needed to spend less times at strip clubs and more time at the keyboard developing the AI which can be really poor at times.
This isn't a new game right, it's simply been re-released on the new consoles, right?
Yeah thats right its been around for over 2 years! (Sept 2013 release date). It was just re-released to xbox one, PS4
1 year*
Dont blame them for what they did- they are well within their right to.
Why they did it and the misinformation provided is another thing.
Women and Women with children are their bread and butter. I take no issue with their decision - the size of their store and their clientelle makes it harder to administer rules around the R rating effectively. We
And while books and movies should be also considered - they are a little less.. "glamorous and appealing" as games are in my opinion at least
Theres no shortage of retailers selling the game. The R rating isnt in danger of being removed at this point.
An easy spot fire to add fuel on courtesy of media outlets to garner publicity. The petitions demanding. Of course this brings out the trolls in droves to feminist bash and to create petitions with language reinforcing why Target shouldn't be selling the game.
When you get down to it - it is a non story and if it wasnt plastered everywhere in the news I suspect the overwhelming majority who would be interested in the game would not give a shit, getting the game from elsewhere.
"…they are well within their right to"
Exactly. So just go buy from somewhere else if you guys don't think it's right. Their loss.
I'll be checking the garbage bins for copies
[Picture of target toy advertisements, with GTA5 pictured next to barbie dolls and peppa pig toys].
I can totally see where target is coming from. Better to get bad publicity by "listening to what the people say" (even if what they say is misleading) than to get bad publicity for having a grossly inappropriate advertisement in a newspaper.
Think about the bad publicity they risk if they ignore the petition now, and then later if even one person who bought the game for a child blames target because they didn't notice the R18 or didn't understand what it meant, but 'target said it was for kids, just like barbie and peppa pig'.
Sure, as the parent they are still wholly responsible (for providing their kid a R18 game), but if they kicked up a fuss, it'd sure look bad on target!
yep Target were idiots for advertising it alongside peppa pig
Target are now giving away baby care samples to fathers and other caregivers now, instead of originally only mothers. Coincidence? Or is their PR department in panic mode?…
Retaliation petition by the internet asking Target to remove The Bible for same reasons. Already has 20,000 signatures. LOL
there is one asking them to change their name and logo
I feel like killing someone now actually
Less than 24 hours has passed, looks like petitions has nearly doubled to 37,489.
As a gamer I have no problem with GTA but there is no way that I would allow my child to play it. The problem is that there are heaps of uninformed parents that shop at Target and they could potentially buy the game for their child without knowing all the content. Gamers should not care about this decision anyway because what gamer buys their games from Target anyway. Stop whining about a decision that doesn't affect you.
Well it is an R18+ game so the parents should know it isnt suitable for kids.
Target has been pretty competitive with their 3ds and Wii U pricing actually.
Those parents probably don't know what R18+ means, or what anything means!
r+18…… enough said!
maybe we need plain packaging like with smokes
with a MASSIVE U MUST BE OVER 18 to play this or buy this!
Every time society has an issue, rather than people taking responsibility and stepping up to the mantle to try and fix it, we simply scapegoat something convenient, make it out to be something terrible, attack it for a number of years and then move on when we realise the problem hasn't been solved.
This whole violence debacle has been going on for years. Maybe the younger kids don't know, but for us older ones, there was a massive debate about whether violence in movies and TV caused kids to be violent, then it was the whole video games thing (i.e. FPS games) and now this.
Disclaimer, I'm not a psychologist, I did a bit of psychology at university, but I probably don't know much at all. However, in my rational and common sense point of view, we need to make a clear distinction about what is normal and what's not. Most of us will play FPS games and would never think to shoot up people in real life. We can play games like GTA, have a laugh about it and not turn into a gangster and we can play Need for Speed and not go on to hoon around like an idiot. That's because we have sense and we know what is fantasy and what is not.
All of this talk about people playing video games and then going on to commit mass murders is stupid. They're taking the actions of a select few who have psychological issues and imposing it on the rest of us who are reasonable and realistic. There are people out there who have issues discerning what is okay and what is not. There are people who don't, they need help. To simply do blanket bans like this won't help those people.
If you need any proof that some gamers are completely messed up then check out the series on the gamer XJ9 posted by Youtube game streamer Destiny, just search for "Destiny XJ9" on Youtube and there's a whole playlist on how Destiny, a normal guy like most of us, reasons with a completely messed up guy, XJ9.
Instead of sitting around pointing the finger at things such as video games, we should look at ways to help people who have issues rather than just playing scapegoat.
I have to say I'm enjoying playing through Saints Row 2 now on PC. I just finished a mission where I had to beat up 4 female asian shopkeepers in Chinatown. The mission before I kidnapped a lady, locked her in a trunk and tricked her boyfriend into crushing her with a monster truck. The twist… I'm a 150kg badass white lady that does not take s%$t from anyone.
Great game. :P
Because of "depictions of violence against women"
The game allows violence anyone/everyone!
Remove it, and they'd complain about gender inequality!
It's not what it used to be. Half their stuff costs more than local. I don't think I've ordered from them in a year as I have found better deals elsewhere (plus a two week wait sucks).