I was curious about exact school zone dates in NSW. I found a NSW Education page listing the "gazetted school days" here which implies there'd be a NSW Government Gazette entry listing them, but I can't find one at the official site for the NSW Gazette.
The NSW Road Rules 2008 legislation says a "school day" is "…any day other than a Saturday or Sunday, a day that is a public holiday or a day publicly notified as a school holiday for government schools." (emphasis is mine).
Apart from the Government Gazette, does anyone know what the legal definition of "publicly notified" might be?
And no I don't have any particular agenda for looking into this. I'm just curious whether it's possible to join the dots from the legislation to the road.
The legal definition for the days of school is from your first link.
Even if the last day of schools is Monday Dec 15 2014 and you get caught speeding in a school zone on Wednesday Dec 17 2014, you will get a fine for a school zone as it is one of the officially listed "gazetted school days"