• long running

Heritage Bank Home Loan Account Referral and Referee Both Will Get $250 Gift Card

  1. When an existing Heritage member refers a new member and that new member has a Heritage home loan
    approved and fully funded within 3 months of the membership creation, both the new member and the referrer
    receive a $250 pre-paid Visa gift card.

  2. The referred friend or family member (new member) or any parties under the new membership must not have any
    existing accounts with Heritage, and must enter into an approved and fully funded home loan within three (3)
    months of membership creation.

  3. Only one home loan per referring member and new member is allowed. That is, if a new member opens two home loans, only one gift card for each party will allowed.

  4. A maximum of five (5) referral entries per existing Heritage member month are allowed (that is, a maximum of 5 x
    $250 gift cards per month).

  5. Eligible referrers and new members will receive their gift card by mail within seven days after Heritage
    undertakes an eligibility assessment. Eligibility will be assessed during the last week of each month, for referred
    home loans from the previous month. Heritage account details will be used to send the gift cards.

Referral Links

$250 Gift Card with Loan: random (43)

When an existing Heritage member refers a new member and that new member has a Heritage home or business loan approved and fully funded within 3 months of the membership creation, both the new member and the referrer receive a $250 pre-paid Visa gift card.

Win $1000 with New Account: random (59)

Referrer and referee go into the draw to win a $1000 prepaid visa gift card each. Tell heritage you were referred and give them the member number.

Related Stores

Heritage Bank
Heritage Bank


  • +1

    I've been a customer since I was a kid =)

    Let's see about making a wiki page for this…

    Edit: done - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/heritage_bank_referrals

    A maximum of five (5) referral entries per month are allowed by a Heritage member.

  • +1

    Basic variable rate looks good but if you want an offset home loan you better going with Suncorp

  • My heritage loan has an offset account.

    • I know the heritage has an offset but the rate isn't as good as the Suncorp rate

  • *** Lukian have PM'd you

  • +1

    I am going to apply for loan today and will call the bank next week and will give one of you guys as my referee.
    I will PM my referee later.

    • +1

      Hi Jatinmaniyar. Just so you know I was at Heritage today, and all you need to provide is the;
      Member Number &
      Nominate whether the referee is Family, a Friend, or a colleague.

      As well as the $250 card, you also both go in the monthly draw for a $1000 Prepaid Visa Gift Card as per the T & C's. :)

  • +1

    I am a Heritage Member. Please PM if you would like my name and number as a referee :) Thanks Belinda
    As well as the $250 card, you also both go in the monthly draw for a $1000 Prepaid Visa Gift Card as per the T & C's.

  • +1

    The wiki has been updated with ltd2014's information. Thanks!

  • ltd2014, can you please pm me regarding the referral, I am interested in applying for the loan

  • Hi Jediguy 99. I have PM'd you back :)

  • We have just applied (and had interview) I am ready to nominate my 'referer'

    Who wants it?

    • Can't send you PM so Please will you send me PM and will give you my details to you.

      • pm sent - please use email in it.

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