How Much Do You Spend on Christmas Presents for Family and Friends?

Christmas is 3 weeks away.

Two questions:

  1. How much do you spend on presents for your family and friends?
  2. Also do you have budgets for certain family members or friends?

All up I have probably spent around $500, almost finished shopping for everyone now. This is for family (including extended family) and a good number of friends. I have spent less than the previous two years but I have purchased for more people this year than the previous years. Also, I spend the most money on family. Gifts for close friends usually cost anything from $10-$30 each. Acquaintances will be under $10 each. That's my usual guideline but it depends on the sales and if I know the recipient will love the gift.

I think how much we spend is usually determined by a few factors:

  1. Income
  2. Generosity - willingness to spend a large or small amount regardless of income
  3. Personal beliefs or religion or culture
  4. Family traditions - if you do Kris Kringle or not.

Would be interested in hearing hear how much fellow Ozbargainers are spending (or saving) during Christmas…


  • A small gift for my parents / inlaws, and possibly some beer for my regular delivery guy and a couple of the businesses I work with as appreciation for the help during the year. That's it. I tell everyone else in the small circle of people I communicate with that I do not want anything, nor should they expect anything.

    I see giving gifts + any kind of seasonal event (excluding birthdays) as an individual surrendering to the marketing hype and I really don't like it at all. Why should I surrender money because some marketing moron tells me it's about time between the last even 3 weeks ago and I need to do it now before the next awful event in two weeks time.

  • +1

    I was half expecting another EasternCulture poll. :)

  • +1

    My kids around $150-200
    Family members I like around $100
    Family members I don't really like $30
    Family members I really don't like $10-15 bargain bin purchase

    Friends …we don't usually buy for each other maybe just the kids which is $10-20 each :)

  • +1

    "Bah! Humbug!"

  • +3

    Everyones getting eneloops whether the need them or not.

  • We used to pick a family members name out of a hat with a maximum gift value of $50, but that got canned. I have an arrangement of no gifts exchanged with friends. There will be presents for the kids, but that's it. It's gonna be bleak…

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