Similar to previous deal:
To promote our newly opened Phonebot St Kilda Vic store, were giving Google play $20 vouchers 30% off. They are emailed to you so please make sure you provide the right email address. Apply the coupon code "$6off" in 'view cart' to get the discount. Also please note the vouchers will be emailed to you within 1-5 days so please be patient.
If anyone hasnt received the vouchers from our last deal, please pm me and ill sort it out asap. We had problems with opencart but all is sorted now.
Genuine Samsung Galaxy s4 covers $5 shipped
Telstra 3Gb standard size data sim cards $12 shipped (you will have to get it chopped to fit your ipads). Please note these are sim cards only (dispatched without packaging) and activation instructions are provided in the link description. Sims expire oct 2015
& lastly if youre living around the st kilda area and have a broken phone, tablet or a computer. give us a ring for a quote.
My code is in 27xx range and was told to wait my turn in queue. Still waiting, and hopefully I don't have to wait a second time if the code is wrong and needs replacement. Still surprised that google will sell same code multiple times.