Hi guys. Got a laptop with wifi that connects to work via ethernet cable. Just wonderingnis there a way to then hotspot by creating a wifi hotspot for my mobile to connect to?
my laptop needs to login and click accept to join the work network as it also opens a 1 gb max usage usage download box. Would this Impede on any attempt to hotspot the the ethernet internet out from the laptop via hotspot creation?
or does one need an external hardware device to create a hotspot from laptop?
Some googling suggested virtual router software such as hot spot for easy click n creation of wifi hotspots from ur laptop. Is this the best way? And would u recommend mhotspot or some other software?
Thanks guys
Turn wifi of laptop on and then if you have an Android phone it works free and easily. I do it without apps.
Not sure about crapple.
Edit: oops sorry. Didn't think it through, what I had done previously is use my phone's data to let my laptop connect when my actual ADSL Internet was down.
Hmm, so I'm guessing there would be software involved to get your phone to access your laptops Internet. Haven't done it but do want to know now.