My TV is dying, please help me find another

Hi Ozbargainers,

I have had a Samsung 42inch for a few years. A few months ago a thin red line appeared and today a fat blue one? I have no idea how to fix it. Does anyone know if it's possible to fix it? how? Both lines are on the right side of the screen running down. Anyway, I don't have to have the same one, maybe another the same size or just a little smaller will do.

Please share your amazing finds.

Thanks HEAPS!


  • +3

    have you tried turning it off and on again?

    • Hi, yes many times. Switched it off at the mains and left it for a few hours. Both lines are still there :(. Thank you.

      • +3

        currently eBay has 20% off certain stores like good guys. Maybe try there?

        • +1

          OP, listen to this guy and spoil yourself for Christmas!

        • I wish I could sempro. Cost is a bit much for me though :(.

  • +1

    may be able to replace something inside it, but it could cost alot.
    contact the manufacturer.

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    Had a similar problem with a standard 2 y/o 42" Panasonic (plasma) set, lines down one side and more were appearing. Went through warranty and set was written off as the repair quote was over $3000 LOL. Repairer called and asked if I wanted the old set back or shall they dump it. I picked it up, thought it would be good to have a fossick around the innards of one of these things.

    Got it home & ripped the back off. Looked like the repairer had never had the back off… anyway I decided to reseat all the connectors, especially the flat ribbon ones. Popped the back on and hit the on switch… no lines.. :-) Been working fine every since…

    Still prefer our very old LG 42" LCD to watch. Never a problem with that one :-)

    Contact Samsung, they may be willing to come to the party with some assistance? Nothing to lose. Supposed to last more than 2-3 years regardless of their 1 yr warranty.

    • +1

      Thanks, I will try Samsung. My only concern is that the TV is 5 years old. Worth a try anyway or I could send you mine to have a play with it? :)….. just kidding.

      • +1

        LOL… :-)
        5 years old might be pushing it but nothing to lose. Enquire with your retailer first, they are the people responsible under the terms of our toothless ACL (Australian consumer law).
        A tv of that brand would have cost more than a no name set so it is reasonable to expect it to last more than 5 years without fault. 10 years plus would be more like it.
        Keep us up to date on how you go.
        BTW… I asked the repair shop if they would recommend any of the brands to be better in any way and they said Hisense … apparently they are very good with their product and customer support.

        • Thanks heaps. On second thoughts I could attempt to remove the back like you did….just maybe it will work? The other thing is I'm a girl and I could blow the TV up!

        • +2

          @3blessings: Don't open it until you have got a yay or nay from Samsung if they will repair under warranty!

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          You will void any chance of getting SS to help. They will know instantly that it has been tampered with.
          In my instance I was lucky it was just loose connections. There can be genuine component failures that will cause lines and bands as well.

        • +1

          I decided not to risk blowing myself and the TV up. I've contacted Samsung as suggested and they are trying to put through a free technician visit. Will keep you posted :).

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