Received the below in an email from
Currently have a server with them which works quite well. No down time, 900mbps+ up/down, doesn't seem at all laggish. Performs much better than what I expected considering the price point.
Edit: These servers (other than the dedicated server) are OpenVZ, I would not recommended them for any kind of professional use. They're great cheap servers for testing purposes.
2GB Black Friday Special:
2 GB Memory VPS
50 GB Disk Space
3 TB Monthly Bandwidth (WOW!)
1 Gbit Port
1 x IPv4 Address
Instant Setup
3 YEARS for ONLY $69, that is just $1.92/MONTH!
Edit: Seems 2years is also available for $46, still $1.92/Mo
Pure SSD VPS Black Friday Special:
2 GB Memory VPS
2TB Monthly Bandwidth
1Gbit Port
1 IPv4 Address
Special Offer:
1 YEAR for ONLY $29, that is just $2.42/MONTH!
2 YEARS for ONLY $39, that is just $1.63/MONTH!
3 YEARS for ONLY $49, that is just $1.36/MONTH!
Intel E3-1240 Dedicated Server Special:
Server Location: Buffalo
Processor: Intel Xeon E3-1240 V2 3.40 GHz
HDD: 500GB 7200RPM
Bandwidth: 10TB Monthly Traffic
IP: /29
Port Speed: 1Gbit
Regular Price: $119/Month
Sale Price: $59/month
Order Link:
Side note: First deal post, apologies for terrible formatting, invalid category or anything else done incorrectly.
Chicago VPS? Can't be serious…
Anyway I have a VPS with another company that's affiliated with ChicagoVPS / ColoCrossing / VelocityServers. 2GB RAM for ~$25/year and I hardly get any uptime due to the network being DDoS'ed all the time.