I parked at uni in the designated university car park in a legitimate parking spot (4P) and had a valid ticket.
I paid for 4hrs but I did stay at uni past the time of the ticket and and was fined $104 for "stop in restricted parking area."
Just wondering, as they didn't fine me for "Park continously for longer than permitted" can I challenge this Fine based on this?
The car parking spot was not restricted or for disabled parking at all.
Is it a mistake on their end? Should I just pay off the fine?
Yes you can dispute, but I doubt you will win. They can spin the words to suit them, it is a restricted area, hence the parking timers, and you were stopped. The restrictions state you needed a ticket, therefore your ticket wasnt valud and you get a fine. Also unless you can provide a valid parking ticket for the time you were fined, they will just hit you with the other offence. Screwed either way, pay the fine.