Tiled Roof repairer SA

Hi All,

Can anyone suggest someone reletively cheap to repair the ridge capping on my roof.

Have had a few quotes and they vary wildly but they are still more than half the price I paid when I replaced my entire roof in Canberra a few years ago.

Hoping to find something a bit cheaper.



  • A real Ozbargain(er) would be placing a call to SASES (State Emergency Service) and claim that it was a storm damage. But than again, I'm only just kidding!

  • Might also be worth contacting your insurer for a recommended repairer.

    • Already have and they have approved the claim to fix the internal damage but not the roof as it is general wear. Their repairer does not do private works so they said that I could get anyone in to fix before they go ahead with the rest of the repairs.

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