Just enter your email address and they'll send you the voucher.
(or just go to http://www.sooshi.com.au/View-Voucher/ and print it)
Mod - edited title.
Mod - added price and regions
Just enter your email address and they'll send you the voucher.
(or just go to http://www.sooshi.com.au/View-Voucher/ and print it)
Mod - edited title.
Mod - added price and regions
I'd say they are the size of those cut sushi things (size of sushi but about 2-3cm tall).
Going by the photos it looks like it, but at $0.50 each I figure it's worth trying them.
where can I try them ??
i was tempted i saw them but , what do they taste like sushi eww , sushi ice cream thats almost as bad as wasabi ice cream :)
yeah i know there is raspberry etc but still lol
pretty sure it' normal ice cream just made to look like sushi.
The outer green part is like fruit roll-up? I hope it's not too sweet.
I liked it. And I don't see an expiry date on the voucher.
Was OK. Very small. Outer part was a bit too sweet.
Yeah that's what i thought:-
Josh81 says: "The outer green part is like fruit roll-up? I hope it’s not too sweet"
So is it like fruit roll-up?
Nice little snack for $1. Especially the 2 snacks for $1.
Also small :) … but you can see it there and decide if you'd like it :)
You can buy a six pack in a plastic container like a 6 pack of sushi :P
A bit of red and a bit of yellow syrup or something in the middle. (Raspberry and lemon syrups?) Green around the outside did make me think of a fruit roll up. I also thought it was quite sweet. Ice cream is a smooth vanilla :)
For $1 i am guessing they are pretty small