Best/Cheapest Option to Clean The House

Hi everyone,

not sure if its the right forum, I apology if its not!

as its say in the title, I am looking for the best and cheapest way to clean a unit (end lease cleaning). Most important to clean the kitchen, living room and the bathroom.

was thinking about these options:

1- Bring some people to clean it (ex from gumtree)
2- Buy a steam vacuum cleaner and do it by myself (only living room need a carpet steam cleaning)
3- If its available/possible rent a steam vacuum cleaner and do it by myself. (not sure from where)

I am open for any suggestion and recommendation. I appreciate any help or share any experience you had :)


  • +1

    Rent the cleaner from IGA or Coles, look up britex

    • do you know how much in IGA or Coles? do I have to buy the detergent? or is it included?
      bunnings rent it for $38.60 for 24 hours and $47 for 48 hours.

      • it's about the same I remember it being around $30-$40 but you do need to also buy detergent to put in the machine

  • +3

    Many real estate agents require a receipt from a professional carpet cleaner

    • +1

      Correct, I cleaned it myself once, real estate didnt accept it and I had to get it done again with a reciept as proof.

      • Not correct, you can show your rental hire receipt - i have done it several times. As long as the carpet is clean they do not care. They can't force you to get a cleaner

        • +1

          I think the leason here is clarify from the real estate what is acceptable before proceeding. Leases I have signed in the past clearly specify the terms of ending the lease and included a reciept of a professional cleaner. This may not be the same for all real estates, such as your example. Hence ask the Real Estate or check your lease for the fine print.

    • by law I think, they cant ask for a professional cleaning (unless if you have pet). This what I know at least for NSW, I may be wrong about this.

  • My experience is that unless I use the cleaner used by/recommended by the letting agent, the letting agent is never happy that the cleaning has been done to the required standard - and then they get in their own approved cleaner to re-do the cleaning and charge for it.

  • +1

    Sometimes with fussy real estate agents, they might not be happy with the work your cleaner has done, which would means you'd be either require to get your cleaner to come back, or fix it up yourself.

    With my real estate agent, you have the option of just picking the regular cleaning company that the agency uses. So if the agent is unhappy about something, he/she will chase it up with the cleaners themselves. That's how it works with my rental agency anyway. It's not the cheapest obviously, but just some food for thought.

  • I swear by those Rug Doctor machines you can get from woolies. Just keep the receipt for rental if real estate requires proof of cleaning.

    I have never paid a cleaner to clean a rental house, I have just made sure I did a good job. Also when you move in you take photos of EVERYTHING that is unclean so when they question the cleaning job you have done you can drag out the photos.

    But, if your real estate agent has a cleaner they use and it is reasonably priced I would probably do that.

    • the cleaner recommended by the real state wants $240 to do the job, and it may increase if there is too much work. not going to pay that much of money to clean the unit especially we took a good care of it.

  • -1

    Burn the place down and hope they have fire insurance ;)

  • I have used the rental Rug Doctor a lot. The benefit is that you can share it w' someone else to pay halves and if the carpet requires more than a perfunctory going over, you can do it.

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