Any suggestions as to which are the cheapest shops around Sydney's Lower (or even Upper!) North Shore to buy Organic Milk?
Woolies & Coles apart, of course.
Also, any advice on the best tasting Organic Milk most welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Any suggestions as to which are the cheapest shops around Sydney's Lower (or even Upper!) North Shore to buy Organic Milk?
Woolies & Coles apart, of course.
Also, any advice on the best tasting Organic Milk most welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Article or it's BS
Don't really want to open a can of worms here, but if you're serious about health, there are numerous articles, books, studies out there by doctors and surgeons that explain why milk isn't what we think it is.
I drank milk too since I was a kid thinking it was good for me. Not anymore - my health has improved and I have my blood test results to prove it. That's all that matters to me. Many people still believe milk is good for them, including my parents.
Read and make up your own mind!
Devil's Milk switched me to a2. Must be true as Fonterra tried to cover it up in NZ.
Was this the article you were looking to cite?
Not anymore - my health has improved and I have my blood test results to prove it.
Correlation does not imply causation.
But it is true that you can have a completely healthy lifestyle without milk. The milk companies would have you believe that milk is a good source of calcium and vitamins when in truth there are a lot of other non-dairy products that also contain calcium (e.g dark leafy veg, sardines, seaweed, oranges and almonds). They're after all selling milk on health benefits and companies are just trying to milk it for all it's worth.
If you happen to like milk, go ahead and drink up, but if you didn't like the taste to begin with, you can stop forcing yourself to drink it every morning now.
Humans never evolved to drink cow milk anyway — the majority of us even lose the ability to digest lactose when we age into adults, and even a large proportion of the Asian population (whose ancestors didn't have milk as part of their diets) cannot digest lactose.
I've seen that one before, but you will find numerous other articles. There are heaps of studies and books out there I've read over the yrs. Again, not trying to prove anything here or to tell you what to believe. Only bothered posting this up here in good faith due to the "health conscious" nature of the OPs post.
You can really see the mindset and mentality of some people with certain responses so far, shining through with all the sarcastic/ignorant remarks made.
Keep drinking it if you want to - I couldn't care less. For the ones who are genuinely curious - there's more than meets the eye with milk.
There is of course an udder way of looking at it all.
Yeah, I just have human milk.
Purple lid from SA. Forget what it's called. Paris Creek maybe?
Paris Creek won't be the cheapest, but certainly the tastiest :) .
Yeah, now that I think about it, probably one of the most expensive items per litre I've seen that I drink regularly. I get the 2litre one usually. Think it's nearly $4 a litre.
Great taste. Just wish they did a2 in organic. And raw. Now that'd be gold. I'd pay over $6 a litre for that.
Yep Dangerous stuff to be sure- all my oldest relatives have all died now- and they all drank cows milk.
Nah I think it might have been Water that done them in, everyone that drinks it dies, heard it also quite addicting, once you start you can't stop.
We also know that birth is the number one leading cause of death.
Entertaining answers though not highly enlightening - YET!
One or two are even relevant!
I live in hope.
If you turn the tap on with your other hand the water tastes better …. honest, and it becomes organic water!!
People who go overboard on this stuff usually go nutty before they kick on.
Stay away from all. Have you seen how your cups look after a tea or coffee from all the tannin stains ? Yuk - & then have to scrub them to properly clean. If milk & additives of tea & coffee can do this to a manufactured cup designed to hold the liquid for a while imagine what it is doing to our bodies which hold it for a lot longer !
Vodka & fresh orange juice sounds good to me - might go & have one or two…3..4..5.. ( O.K. might go to bed now )
Buggar the kidneys.
organic milk = standard north shore bs.
I'll put it down on my list of fads next to babychinos, bubble tea and womens gyms.
Yep, drinking a hormone & pesticide free version of something we've drunk for dozens and dozens of generations is just a fad.
Nope, it's trending and trendy but here to stay. Sure the high price will put some late adopters off later but just look at China's food safety failures and the demand will be strong for many more generations to come.
china's food safety failures have been around for decades, nobody has cared. Simple fact is unless the FSNAZ outright bans something, nobody cares.
The hormone/pesticides have improved the quality and life of milk. Going back to organic milk is punching science in the face.
Yeah nah.
Read baby formula shortages/smuggling. They don't trdst their farmers or govt. see melamine dosing to makeup for protein.
Missing the point of organics, whoosh! Nevermind.
I use 'Pauls pure organic full cream' milk. I reckon the fact that I use about 50 mls a day, only as a 'stain' in coffee, isn't a problem for me. I use Pauls, because it has the best flavour in coffee IMHO. 'Organic' is greenwash on most stuff, prob. including milk, but if it helps even a little to cut down fertiliser/chemical use on farms etc., I'm in favour. The trend to skim milk and low/0% fat yoghurt really is a joke. Take a look at the fat content in these, then calculate your usage, and realise <3 fewer chockie pieces a week will more than offset the difference. Also, be aware that lots of medication digests far better with a little fat - whether full-fat yoghurt or whatever. I don't feel like reading anti-milk articles, even if they're right. The point is, we have a digestive enzyme until we're maybe a year old called lactase. Some few adults do have it, but most do not, and it leads to lactose-intolerance in varying degrees. If, like many adult Americans, you're still downing a big glass of milk or milkshake once or twice a day - give it up!
How about making your own nut milks with a cold press like the hurom. Soy milk or almond milk.
I'm a big soybean milk fan =)
Yep, even a blender with blanched almond nuts soaked overnight in warm to hot water works just as well. Add a li'l honey or stevia and or vanilla. Strain the chunky bits that a gear juicer wouldn't get and put in baking mixes. Or choc brownies!
I think the hurom slow juicer was selling for $300 earlier this year… I don't think you need a strainer for the hurom hu, although the lady in the video clip is using one..
A quality slow juicer allows you full control of what you are drinking - also gives you flour from the nut at the same time…with milk and flour as final products, I suspect you will save money in the long run!
It's so fast that I think it will save you time as well
Milk (Cow's) is bad. There, I've said it.
I've been off it now for the last few years. Had a blood test done recently and no I'm not calcium deficient. If you read up about it, there is no way you'll put that poison back into your body.
Milk is supposed to be good for you just like how the world was supposed to be flat.