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AKG K7XX Headphones - Limited Anniversary Edition - Massdrop - $215 USD Delivered


Just picked these up from Massdrop, should equate to around $255 AUD.
Excerpt from Massdrop site:

Massdrop x AKG
In 2012, AKG released the 65th anniversary edition of their K702 to instant acclaim. Built with a bass boost, improved comfort, and matched transducers, the limited edition K702 became a legend in the audiophile community for its sound and build quality. Following the success of the Q701 drop in June, we asked AKG if we could configure our own edition of the K702 65th, and they agreed based on their faith in the Massdrop community. Configured by Massdrop, manufactured by AKG, and made possible by you, the AKG K7XX Massdrop First Edition Headphones bring you rare sound at an even rarer price.

Note: This drop will reach American addresses by Christmas. While our logistics team will try their best to do the same for international orders, we cannot guarantee that they arrive by December 25. This drop is limited to 2000 units.


Open-back construction
Pre-selected dynamic transducers
Flat-wire voice coil
Varimotion two-layer diaphragm
Genuine leather headband
Memory foam earpads with velour covering
Individually tested and numbered
Detachable 9.8 ft (3 m) straight cable with 1/8 in (3.5 mm) jack
Frequency response: 10 to 39,800 Hz
Sensitivity: 105 dB/V
Maximum input power: 200 mW
Rated impedance: 62 Ohms
8.3 oz (235 g)

Here is a link to a head-fi review for those after specific variations between the different models: Head-Fi

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Oh man… K702s are porn to your ears, I have tried them on. Their price always kept me away :(
    At $199 for a limited edition of K702…damn! :|

    • I've never tried them, always heard good things! Can't wait :D

  • do you need a amp to drive them?

    • 62ohm. Yes.

      • +1

        I am just copy-and-pasting one of the comments from the discussion section of the Massdrop page, but I think it might be helpful.

        These are harder to drive than their specs would indicate. Here's the short version on whether you need an amp:

        1 - If you can get the volume to your desired level, you don't NEED an amp. Most computer sound cards and digital music players will provide this just fine. The big thing to look out for is using it with a Mixamp when you're gaming. You might want additional amplification for this use as it can sometimes be too quiet if you're chatting too.

        2 - While you don't NEED an amp to get these loud enough, the sound quality will be just good. For them to sound great, you'll want a decent amp.

        3 - If you've never heard something like this headphone, you'll think it sounds fine with no amp. But once you amp it, you won't want to go back.

        Hope this helps a little.

        • sounds good! any comments on comparison to to HD600? Also has anyone can comments about the yamaha mt-220?
          currently looking at these 3 headphones for my next purchase. Any comments and suggestion will be great, especially on the comparison to mt-220.

        • @andy2: I doubt anyone can exactly give you comparisons, it looks like they tuned the can a little and made it a special edition.

          Though that being said, I suggest you should check the graph on the massdrop page and the head-fi review.

        • It's complete and utter tripe that you NEED an amp for a 62 ohm headphone. It's not particularly hard to drive 62 Ohm headphones.

          There is a person in the room I'm in right now miraculously hearing his music, despite apparently NEEDING an amp (Q701).

        • @LordRichington: Yeah, I agree. I personally had no problem driving HD600 without an amp.

          I am not saying that all headphones wouldn't require an amp for them to work at their full potential. There are headphones that definitely do require amps because the sensitivity and the impedance which makes them to be very hard to drive.

          But, that being said, adding an amp automatically adds extra step that can potentially reduce the sound quality. Also an amp's main role is to increase the signal. Why add an extra step when you might not need to?

          I think to some extent, everyone automatically assumes that an amp is required for a decent headphone because decent headphones all required an amp back in the days.

          That's just my 2c.

  • Having said that, Sound Blaster Z cards drive them pretty well. (Think there was an OZb for those cards some time back).

  • +2

    Configured by Massdrop, manufactured by AKG, and made possible by you, the AKG K7XX Massdrop First Edition Headphones bring you rare sound at an even rarer price.

    What makes anyone think these will be as good as a normal k701/702?

    Since when have Massdrop become a company of sound engineers to be able to "configure" high-end headphones?

    Even if the changes are purely cosmetic how would you know if they made a deal with AKG to buy their not-up-to-standard 702s and sell them at a lower price point? Because obviously these are not advertised as k702s so you can't say you were mislead if they are not as good.

    I think this deal has too much we don't know.

    • I personally do not think it is worth it over the original Q701.

      There are a bunch of beyers on massdrop right now, also going - I'd be more inclined to go with that or wait for Q701 to appear, again.

    • i'm with you…a bit skeptical about this all.

      particularly given that the only review is by a "friend", who conveniently happens to have no experience/access to the two headphones it's supposedly meant to sound closest to (K702 anniversary and K712)…that makes me skeptical.

      1. package up lower-grade / rejected drivers
      2. market them as being comparable/improved
      3. sell out the limited run before any proper comparisons have been done
      4. rely on confirmation bias to support 2. (even if that doesn't work, you've sold them all anyway!)

      but hey, if they turn out to be simply repainted/rebadged K702 anniversary or K712, then looks like a good deal for those who bite!

    • Massdrop ad:

      we asked AKG if we could configure our own edition of the K702 65th…

      since it's their "own edition," then it's not 65th anniversary edition of AKG's K702 - besides innuendo there are no claims about comparative qualities.

      "… same dynamic driver technology as the K702 65th Anniversary Edition."

      what does that actually mean?

  • +1

    There is a limit of 2000 units on these and 871 units have been sold in three days, better be quick if you want to jump on the bandwagon.

    • +2


      • It's actually quite unclear on how many will actually be available but from what is written on the Massdrop page I'd guess it's 2000 for the drop and 6000 units actually being produced by AKG (future drops or maybe retailing as a limited edition?). Either way, getting this headphone at this price is a very good deal. They are basically K702 Anniversary Editions (which themselves are pretty much K712 Pro's) for $260ish AUD shipped.

        • it will be 2x future drops.

  • +1

    Took the plunge. Couldn't help myself!

    Fingers crossed these ones are rebadged K702.

  • .
    THANK YOU frankyman for posting the deal :)
    I would have missed out if it wasn't for you as they've already sold 1885 of their 2000
    (maybe they will have to call upon more from their source stock of 6000 instead of saving until later sales)


  • Now the offer is closed for all International buyers. Whoever ordered before they made the change, their orders will go through…remaining stock (the next batch of 2k in end feb, and the remaining sometime after that) will be US only.

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