This was posted 10 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

74-78% off Star Trek Next Generation Blu-Ray at (Region-Free releases)

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For those that still buy physical media, Amazon have large reductions 74% off all the Star Trek Next Generation Blu-ray seasons.

All Next Generation seasons are US$31.99 (74% off), except for Season 1 (US$19.99, 74% off) and Season 3 (US$28.22 78% off), and except for season 7 which isn't reduced.

TNG Season 1 -…

TNG Season 2 -…

TNG Season 3 -…

TNG Season 4 -…

TNG Season 5 -…

TNG Season 6 -…

All TNG seasons are listed on as region locked to USA, but they are not. They are region A/B/C - ie all regions, according to reviews.

TNG Season 7 hasn't been released yet, but is on pre-order for release 2nd December 2014, and is not reduced in price.

Also found that the 'Original Series' (season 1-3) on Blu-ray is reduced by 79% to $68.89. This is confirmed to be region-free, according to…

Link -…

Postage to AUS seems to be US$8.76 for the first item, then add US$2.39 per item thereafter. YMMV.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

    • +4

      Resistance is futile.

    • +5

      That's great as long as the alternative method is legal, which I am sure you are implying it won't be.

      Lots of people choose "other" methods of acquiring content, but when a well priced option is presented to legally acquire a series we should encourage that.

      It is not "Ozbargaining" to suggest that stealing is a better and cheaper alternative to a genuine bargain. If you are too poor to own it legally keep your views on theft to yourself.

      On topic, I was wondering whether these were the remastered HD versions of the original with added effects etc? I loved the series.

      • Maybe Neo is going to watch them on netflix ;)

        • +2

          Hold on…. what I'll do is not so bad in severity (according to the government and laws), is to go into JB Hi-fi, steal the blu ray set, steal a blu ray player, and walk out with a 70" TV. Seriously, for a non-offender, that would get a slap on the wrist, actually downloading 1's and 0's can get you thrown in front of the media companies.

          F U ABBOT

    • Could just, you know, forgo watching them, since you can't buy them and you don't need to watch them.

      • -7

        Nope, I can do whatever I want, thank you

  • +4

    If you're going to be buying all seasons then you could pre-order the complete blu-ray box set from JB for $250 which works out to be about $35.70 per season.…

  • +2

    Regular price for TNG blu-rays season 1 - 4 are $34.98 at JBHifi, Seasons 5 and 6 are $39.98 and Season 7 is currently $54.98 (will probably drop in time). If you can wait for the next 20% off sale, they become very cheap (or get the boxset as suggested above).

  • I was always more of a Stargate fan, but looking to try out some Star Trek. I have only seen maybe 15 mins from one of the movies on tv late at night many years ago…there was a cyborg robot guy and Professor X. I was confused.
    Is this a good series to start on and then go back to ol' Shatner, or start with the original first?
    …I feel like a chump and that I have let myself down letting it get this far with never seeing it.

    • +2

      Start with TNG, especially the high-def blurays.. they went back to the source material, cleaned it up and re-did ALL the effects shots.. so even if it is 20-30 years old, it won't seem that dated.. if you go back to the original star trek, again, it was all redone, cleaned up and re-added new effects, but by comparison, it'll seem 60s because budget was cheap and so were the sets.. even the story lines are probably primitive by today's standards.. The original star trek is good if you grew up with it, as the chemistry between kirk, spock, bones etc is like an old leather jacket.. feels good man..

      • +1

        Couldn't agree more with this. TNG hit me, classic did not.

        Classic Movies were okay, up to a certain point.

        The only trouble with TNG is it does suffer from that disease like idea back then that with sci-fi it had to have an awfully layer of moral overtones.

    • I am just getting into Star Trek. Start with the classic movies first, then watch the original series, then watch the next generation, etc.

    • +1

      You could always go historically and start with Enterprise.

      My personal favourite was Voyager. I was also a big fan of the animated series as it didn't age as much as tos.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I think that JBHiFi at 20% is probably a better deal. The US prices of STTNG are quite high compared to Australia

  • +2

    I'll be waiting for a special complete boxed set down the line. I should of done that with the original series which would of saved me a large amount. But these are absolutely worth buying just for the excellent amount of bonuses on the bluray discs. Check out the extras on if you dont know of them.

  • -1

    Says Region A/1 when I go to the Season 1 link, not region free?

    • +2

      Did you read my entire note?

      • +1

        Evidently not, sorry :)

  • -1

    Eventually there's totally going to be an all 7 mega pack for like $120 US or something. No doubt about it.

    • Absolutely! Historically, this happened with both VHS and the DVD sets.

    • +2

      Then there will be the special edition of that pack. Then the "suitcase edition". Then the limited edition picard pack. Then the "Borg Cube" version etc etc :)

      A telltale sign that you should wait is that it doesn't have an admonishments in the title, so quite likely they will then release an extra footage version as soon as they've determined sales have dropped.

  • +1

    nice deal but will wait for the box set with all 7 series.

  • +1

    You can get better deals locally. For example:

    Amazon: The Next Generation Season 6 blu-ray is $31.99 = $36.85 AUD + delivery = $46.69 AUD delivered. Not so good once you factor in the delivery charge.

    JB Hi-Fi: The Next Generation Season 6 blu-ray is $39.98 = better deal.

  • I have the set on DVD
    If this is remastered from the original source then i'll consider, Is it remastered as widescreen (can you do that?) or is it still 4:3 ?

    • Still 4:3.. there's no escaping that.. that's the way it was shot and while you can expand it to 1.78:1 you'll cut everything off.. unlike say seinfeld or friends, which was also shot on film but designed for both 1.78:1 & 4:3.. The blurays are the best transfers of this series.. even if they release 4k xfers, i can't imagine that they'll be that superior, as even a lot of the closeups reveal flaws of the source material..

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