This was posted 10 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Super Smash Bros Wii U + GC Adaptor $79 XB360 + 4 Games $274 + $10/ $15 off Codes inside @ Target. Thur


Target Specials. Starts Thursday

Nintendo Super SmashBros Wii U + Gamecube Adaptor $79
Nintendo Amiibo's $14
Xbox 360 500GB + COD Black Ops 2 + COD Ghosts + Forza Horizon 2 + Driver San Francisco + 1MTH Xbox live $274
PS4 + Little Big Planet 3 + Driveclub + Infamous Second Son + Rayman Legends + Trials Fusion $544
XB1 + Kinect + Halo + COD AW + AC Unity + AC BF + Dance central Spotlight + Rayman Legends + Trials Fusion $598
Transformers Age of Extinction DVD $16
30% OFF Transformer, Little people, Sofia the first, Jake & the Neverland pirates and Dora Toys

$10 OFF When you Spend $40 on Women's Underwear. Use Code 10OFFWOMENS
$10 OFF When you Spend $50 on Kidswear. Use Code 10OFFKIDS
$15 OFF When you Spend $60 on Men's Casual clothing And Footwear . Use Code 15OFFMENS

Copy of printed coupons Thanks to supercheap1

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closed Comments

  • What about smash bros without the GC adapter?

    • +2

      Same as Big W $58

      • Sorry $59

  • +3

    There's a major shortage of the gamecube adapters in America at the moment, you could make your money back by selling it ;) example

  • +1

    Ahhhh wish they would have a good wii u console price again

    • I don't know why and it's actually bullcrap PS4 And XB1 Constantly get good bundles but Wii U get left out, either they are still selling well enough not to do it or they are just really stupid retailers

      • +4

        Blame nintendo, they aren't exactly good at promoting the wii u

        • -2

          Nothing to do with them, retailers set their own bundles outside of the Nintendo ones, but I agree on the point they don't promote very well

        • +4

          @TRENT86: Not really up to the retailers. Unless they get a better price from their supplier they can't afford to do deals as the margins on consoles are razor thin.

        • -5

          @johnno07: Course it's up to retailers, if they can offer console bundles for $189 then they can offer some for $349, Someone will do if before xmas it's just a matter of who, they are being smart like Nintendo not bundling SSB But other games could be bundled

        • +1

          @TRENT86: Like Diji I said, and Diji1 provided evidence for - profit margins on consoles are absolutely miniscule. Unless they are deciding to use it as a loss leader, a retailer is not going to sell a Wii U at a loss. That's pretty bad business. That means they will wait for a better price from their supplier before they can actually pass those savings along to the customer. Pretty simple economics.

        • @johnno07: But we have seen it before $189 bundle

        • @TRENT86:

          Blame Nintendo and their margins Trent, there's nothing 'bullcrap' about retailers not wanting to lose money to make a sale.

        • @Phreakuency: Give it a week or 2 there will be a special :)

        • +3

          and that was a one time, CLEARANCE sale of the old hardware, which is no longer manufactured.

          the premiums that sold at that price was purely a mistake which KMart decided to honour due to public pressure.

        • -2

          @gizmomelb: Premiums were sold for $189? I don't remember that

  • Is smash bros still releasing on the 29th at target though? So the Thursday 27th date is just the start of the other deals?

    • +1

      Yep, you will still only be able to get it 29th :)

  • Hi OP, are you able to upload some pictures? I assume you got this from the catalogue.

  • Also, do they mention the actual Super Smash Bros Gamecube controller?

    edit - sorry, just saw the picture you uploaded! Thanks!

    • Yeah put in post now :) $1 cheaper than Eb :)

      • Well, I'm price matching the bundle with the adapter, so I might as well price match the controller while I'm at it! That's an extra $1 to pay off my Amiibo debt, haha!

  • Is the game cube controller better for playing?
    I've never owned a gamecube so would it be OK for me just to play using normal Wii U remotes?

    • +5

      Omg it's soooooo good and fits the hands perfectly, the best controller Nintendo has made, although I love the new Pro controller

    • -1

      Is the game cube controller better for playing?

      I can't see how it would be better than the Wii U pro controller…

      • Form factor and button layout on the GCN controller is perfect for Smash. That's it.

        Nothing wrong with the Wii U pro controller, but from my own experience it feels compromised in its design to appear a certain way. On the other hand, the GCN controller is more functional and seems designed purely for gaming purposes.

        • I don't see the point of spending almost $200 for controllers that can only be used on one game…

        • +6

          @jv: A lot of people already own GC controllers.

        • +1


          I have 3 or 4 wave birds (wireless GC controllers) and 2 regular GC controllers.

          (PLus the bongo drums for GC)

    • +4

      I guess it's preference. I've been playing smash bros from N64. So for me the Gamecube controller felt great, so when Brawl came out I kept using it. So now I've just grown so used to using it it's my preferred choice. I find the button placement is just less awkward on a controller opposed to a Wii U remote. I think a Pro-Controller would be fine if that was what I was used to. I do think the normal Wii U remote is going to be a little awkward, but I guess I'll reiterate, this is only my opinion formed from conditioning. To be honest, any control scheme is probably fine once you get used to it =)

    • It's mainly targeted towards people who are used to using the gamecube controller for SSB Melee and Brawl, where switching to a different controller would be crazy. If you're not experienced, like me, the wiiu controller will be fine

      • +1

        But to be honest I think the Gamecube button positions are a little better than the pro because the pro is more chunky

        • but is it worth spending $49 per controller, and only being able to use them on one game… that's almost $200 for 4 controllers !!!

        • +1

          @jv: Nah you can use others along side it too so I can use my gamecube and my friends can use my pro controllers

        • @jv:

          The game can take up to 8 controllers, so you could spend almost $400 for 8 controllers.

    • +1

      Please be aware that the Game Cube controller is only compatible with Super Smash Bros.
      It won't work with any other games, at least for the moment.…

      • Oh well, that's a bummer. I will just get the game itself then.

        • +2

          I'm sure it will be integrated into Virtual console games like it was for Wii Eventually :)

        • @TRENT86: of course. Probably around the same time they run out of people to sell the controller to.

        • +1

          @Diji1: I still have my gamecube controllers

    • Best controller I've used hands down. Played a bit of Smash using the pro Wii U controller and while it's ok, nothing compares. Shame I don't have the GCN adapter for it yet otherwise I'd be playing it more…

  • aww yiss smash bros the day after my birthday party…. this will work nicely.
    Now I just need to make sure I get the GC adapter…. anyone know if they'll put a name on a copy?

  • -2

    Cheaper at JB

    • +1

      what is?

      • not much…

      • -3

        Smash bundle. With the 20% off voucher.

        • -1

          Um don't downvote me, it's $71.2. Cheaper.

        • @ajax7: I didn't down vote but my guess is people did because there is no mention of jbhifi selling it and they don't have long before the game is out

  • How much does a gamecube and controllers in good condition go for these days anyway?

    Worth a trip up to the shed?

    • +1

      If its anything like when the wii first came out, gc controllers went up to $40 each. Wavebirds were like $100+. Then interest died down.

      With the GC adaptors and controllers selling out fast, they could be worth a fair bit in the next few weeks.

      • Thanks, I was thinking the same, might be a good time to put it on Gumtree.

  • Smash bros is released on Saturday 29th - I'm assuming the deals start Thursday but you won't be able to buy it until the Sat?

    • +1


  • +1

    I have a question regarding the Game Cube controller. Does the new game cube controller that they are selling for $49 need the Game Cube adapter or does it just connect to the Wiimote?

    • +4

      Still needs the adapter, it's just a rebranded gamecube controller

  • +1

    Can you preorder with target?

    I actually bought mine from the gamesmen because it's pretty much guaranteed it would be in my hands, plus I like them and I really need it launch day as I am hosting a launch event at my place.

    • I just called Target at Chadstone (Melbourne) and they said they don't take pre-orders.

  • Im guessing the ps4 bundle is for the black version?

    Am looking for a good white bundle deal for weeks now. Been checking here at Ozbarg everyday. Should I be expecting any close to christmas?

    • I think the white is in limited stock so your more likely to see black bundles and yes this is the black one :)

  • Why can't I find the catalogue on Target's site?

    • Wait a day or two

      • Does Target have midnight releases?

    • I went to target yesterday to buy smash bros… and yeah.. but the girl at the counter had a copy of the catalogue and it was in there, its in the middle of one of the pages, kinda hard to find we flicked through it one time and didnt see it until the second look through

  • How much is the adapter on its own? Can't seem to find the price.

    • +1

      $30 delivered from Nintendo

      • Was this on the nintendo UK site because i don't see anything for sale on the aussie site

        • It's not on the website, you need to call them

        • @zelda707: Sorry for the questions but how exactly do i do this? Do i call customer service and how do i pay for it if it's over the phone?

  • Does any other store have the same bundle?

  • +1

    My Target store only got three bundles in, so when the catalogue says limited, it means limited!
    I'm just going to Pro Controller it up, might as well change with the times.

  • is the game out early at some Target?

    • +1

      No, we have the games in store but are unable to scan them. They'll come up as 'banned' until tomorrow

  • oic, thanks!

  • Target Bourke street sold out of controllers and bundles. A few amiibos left.

    First Person to purchase was a target employee.

    There was a single copy of the bundle you could purchase and there was another they held for someone to pick up. 2 total copies

  • Went to my local Target this morning at 8am to get the Smash Bros + GameCube adapter. At 8:06am, it's sold out!! I was the lucky last but they only had 4.
    Guy after wanted one as well and all I heard was him saying "you're kidding" and the guy at the counter trying to check if there are more.
    Good luck to those trying to get one today!
    How much is it at other stores?

  • +1

    Got a copy at big w for $78. They had maybe 6 copies in total and only about 3 left 10mins after they opened.

  • +1

    One left at Waverley Gardens Big W for $78 as stated previously

  • Target Carindale had 8 Smash + Gamecube Adapter bundles stock in total. I think there were 3 left after I bought mine at 8:10am (probably gone by now). There were quite a few of copies of the game by itself still on the shelf… maybe 20 or more.

    I saw a couple of people loading trolleys full with amiibos - wouldn't be surprised if they cleaned them out.

  • Big W Doncaster had a few left for 78 behind the counter.

  • +1

    Bought Super Smash Bros for Wii U with the Gamecube adapter today at around 10am (didn't have to wake up early and suffer the lines at Target) at my local JB Hi-Fi. They had three more bundles with the adapter left, which was unexpected considering I thought it'd all be sold out.

  • +1

    Thanks, got EB to price match my preorder to the $79 price for Smash + Adaptor. I only gave the business to EB because Target didn't have stock…

  • Target Chermside all sold out while lining up just after 8 this morning. Thankfully the Strathpine still had stock and got one put a side. Might have some left, but don't really know.

  • Perth - Target and Jb Hi Fi inaloo all sold out

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