Warranty Advice for Garage Door Openers

Hi guys,

Would like some general advice please.

We purchased a couple of garage door openers around July of 2012, fitted by a supplier, who gave a 2 year warranty. In October of this year (2 years and 3 months), the motor in one of the openers died. We called out the supplier who said we would have to find the original receipt (which we didn't have on hand) and he would have to come back later and if we couldn't find it, he would charge $500 for a new motor.

Two weeks later (i.e. last week) the other opener's motor died as well, so now we have 2 garage doors we have to open manually. Upon calling the supplier again we provided him the serial numbers on them to cross check on their system, which they say they cannot do. Anyways, they are now asking for a callout fee of $140 to simply have a look.

I looked on the manufacturers website who say that their openers come with a 5 year warranty, not the 2 the supplier said. Called supplier and he's simply palmed it off the to the manufacturer who he said we have to call on Monday.

Not understanding the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) legislation, am I entitled to recourse here, or will I simply have to pay the $500 each for new motors?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.



  • Speak to the manufacturer as it may save you time instead of going through the supplier.

    You do have recourse if it has a 5 year warranty and a I would class a motor failing as a major fault which entitles you to a full refund if you push hard enough.

    Maybe start of being pleasant but if it looks like it's going nowhere reach for the jugular and threaten them with consumer affairs or even better, lodge an application at vcat (or similar small claims tribunal in your state).

    • Thanks for that mate. I will do just that on Monday morning.

  • The person you purchased the doors off should know when he installed them. He is just being hard to get along with.

    Did you pay for them with a credit card? If so, then your CC statement is as good as a receipt.

    Explain the situation to the manufacturer, have your model and serial number ready along with the details of the installer. They may be more understanding and may get another installer in your area to look at it.

    We had some problems with a remote control with our door opener and the manufacturer (Chamberlain) was very obliging. :-)

    If still no success then you can lodge a complaint online with the Dept Of Fair Trading (if NSW) and they will make enquiries for you. You must make an effort to resolve the situation with the supplier first.

    ACL is only a piece of paper that explains what they would like to happen, it is not enforced.
    The only way to get enforceable action is to take the supplier to court or a consumer tribunal and try your luck. You have to pay for this process. In short, we have no consumer laws.

  • By the way, if you do lodge an application at small claims tribunal, stick it to the supplier and have them named as a party to the proceedings as well as the manufacturer. If he can't be bothered assisting your warranty claim as he should be doing, then inconvenience him by making him take the day off to attend or risk losing the case

  • Hope this does not get to the tribunal stage?
    When it does, the consumer has to lodge their case against the supplier, not the manufacturer.
    Suppliers / retailers are the ones liable to provide adequate service under warranty.

  • ACL allows you to take warranty action against the manufacturer and/or the retailer.

  • I'd be reporting the supplier to ACCC. He's in breach of consumer law by telling you you have to deal with the manufacturer.

  • Just a consideration: "I looked on the manufacturers website who say that their openers come with a 5 year warranty:. Im sure that may be on their website now, but was it there 2 years ago and does it cover your motor type. So the warranty may only be 2 years. Just don't want you to go in guns blazing and then be wrong… may get things of in a bad way.

    PS: its up to you to provide purchase history afaik for warranty.

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