where can i buy a new PS3 copy of Blur racing game for under $20?
Or split second?
Basically after a good arcade style racing game that support local multiplayer.
where can i buy a new PS3 copy of Blur racing game for under $20?
Or split second?
Basically after a good arcade style racing game that support local multiplayer.
Thanks, I will go try my luck at my local JB.
2nd hand
both are quite good IMO, split second more so
I've only played Split Second out of the two and finished it. My only real issue with it was that it isn't forgiving when you get too far behind like other arcade racers as the destruction only really affects the cars around you. Apart from this, it was a pretty great game.
I heard great things about Blur as well.
As for other split screen arcade racers, dunno if NFS Hot Pursuit or Most Wanted are split screen, but could be worth looking into.
No luck at my local JB stores :(
Bought GT6 for $19 from JB instead.
I know a while ago they were both in the 2 for $40 piles at JB Hi-Fi, but it's no longer up on their website. You may luck out and find them in store if they still have them around, just means sifting through their huge piles.