This was posted 10 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Krispy Kreme Donut West Perth


Free glazed Donut.

Corner Colin and hay street west perth

Apparently there for another 30mins.

Promoting new store opening Wednesday at Whitford City

Referral Links

Referral: random (360)

Both referrer and referee will receive 500MB bonus space (up to a limit of 16GB)

Related Stores

Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme

closed Comments

  • Thanks!

  • Still heaps of boxes left.

    Got another :)

    No line now.

  • +2

    Got one - and worked off all the fat in the 20 minutes it took to walk there and back in the humid afternoon :)

    • +1

      Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Donut - 954kJ w/ 13g fat, 23g carb (inc. 11g sugar)

      90kg person walking at a very fast pace (6kph) for 20 minutes - 628kJ

      70kg person walking at a moderate pace (4kph) for 20 minutes - 293kJ

      I'm sorry, bro. Unless you're massive and were sprinting up hill the entire way there's no way you compensated for even a single donut.

      • Looking at your figures - I think I probably got to within 2/3 :)

      • And that doesn't even factor in the blood sugar drop that results from the aggresssive insulin secretion that occurs as a result of the initial blood sugar spike that happened because you ate a donut with a colossal amount of carbohydrate content which can then easily result in a person consuming more calories later. And at that point you might be more interested in sleeping than walking…


  • D'oh!

    Pigey 35 min ago (60 clicks)
    Free glazed Donut.
    Corner Colin and hay street west perth
    Apparently there for another 30mins.
    Promoting new store opening Wednesday at Whitford City

    • They said would be there til they run out.

      • All gone

  • And they wonder why there is too many phat people in Australia

  • still don't get it why they open all the way so far at whitford for the first store…you would think they start with somewhere more central first ?

    • Cheaper build cost?

      • no idea, but Whitford is certainly not near to 59% of population in Perth I would say…There's more houses SOR than NOR now for sure…

        • I'm sure they have plans of a major takeover of the state. I wouldn't be too worried that the first store is far from you, there's bigger things to worry about ;)

    • +3

      If you're closer to Freo there's two 7-Elevens that will stock them from 27th

      • +3

        wait wait wait wait

        Perth now has not just one but two 7-11's now???? i have been living under a rock! hangs head in shame

        • +1

          lol yes, one opened a couple of weeks ago and the other one yesterday or the day before

        • hey, freo is not perth :p

        • @rmk: well damnit i'm gonna have to drive down to Freo just to find them/check them out lol

          @hal9000: within Perth metro area = still Perth ;)

        • +2

          @tdw: one is across the road from target and he other is across the road from the National hotel :). Both have Krispy Kreme coming soon signs lol

        • Same here never knew we had two 7-11 stores already. Gonna drive all the way to Freo for some slurpees.

      • So ones all the way up North, and the others all the way down South.. I guess no one lives in between.

        • Have you looked at a metro map recently?

          Whitfords is only about half way "up north" and Fremantle is only about a third of the way "down south".

          All the way up north would be Alkimos (and that's ignoring Yanchep and Two Rocks) and I guess all the way down south would be Rockingham (ignoring Mandurah).

        • @AdrianW:

          I think two Rocks and Mandurah are counted as metro these days :)

  • +2

    Yeah strange, Whitfords has no where near the highest concentration of bogans in Perth. To think, now they don't have to catch a Tiger flight over east just to update their FB with photos of their KK purchase.

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