Where to Source Wholesale Groceries - Melb

Hi guys/gals,

I'm planning to start up a food stall soon, selling snacks - choc bars, chips, cans of soft drink etc.

Is there somewhere where I can regularly source cheap, bulk product? I'd like to have something better than just sourcing from the supermarket, but I doubt I'd have enough commercial qty to go direct to the suppliers.

My current plan is to play Coles/Woolies off against each other each week and stock up big on specials like this when they pop up


And then otherwise shop at maybe Costco or say a Campbells Cash and Carry outside of that.

Anyone got any other suggestions?



  • Interesting concept. Try Basfoods. Where are you going to setup your stall?

  • +1

    "selling snacks - choc bars, chips, cans of soft drink"

    You will not get better pricing than straight form the supermarkets on these types of lines. Even if you were to buy by the truck, pricing will not come close to picking them up on special from the chains.

    • +1

      You often see shop owners going for the specials at supermarkets.

      You'll see someone with a trolley full of 10-15 slabs of soft-drink and nothing else for example.

      • my family do that but we are not shop owners - we stock up for parties and leave them in the store room/ garage

  • You've used the words "food stall", which suggests to me that you will be selling somewhere with little or no competition. Someone above asked where your stall is or will be, but you didn't respond, no matter/fair enough.
    Anyways, if the competition is extremely limited or zero where you plan to sell (like at a remote festival or something zany like that), focus heavily on buying BULK CLEARANCE ITEMS which are being sold DIRT CHEAP because either they are close to use-by, or no one is buying them because there's better/cheaper options available in the supermarket.
    Then sell them for whatever amount covers your costs plus enough profit to keep your business viable/functioning.
    That's my suggestion anyways. But it sounds like a bit of a "hit-and-miss" venture to me, whichever way you choose to play it; good luck!

  • Firstly, thanks all for the feedback. I wasn't ignoring the responses, just hadn't logged in to check/reply.

    I thought supermarket specials might be the best bet, just wanted to have that confirmed.

    I am in talks with some parties about getting access to a few events with little competition, similar in concept to festivals.

    If successful, or in conjunction, I might investigate heading down the vending machine path. I assume finding open, profitable sites would be the biggest challenge.

  • I think relying on Coles/ Woolworths is too unpredictable. Costco or Campbells is a better plan or if you buy a lot of a certain thing such as tomato sauce you may want to use a food service broker such as elders and buy wholesale in bulk, that what restaurants do. Good luck with your venture

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