As per scotty's comment here, this poll/thread is to determine gender breakdown of ozbargain community.
Everyone is encouraged to vote
As per scotty's comment here, this poll/thread is to determine gender breakdown of ozbargain community.
Everyone is encouraged to vote
What's the candy for?
every poll must have candy !! One of the things i loved in whirlpool "Poll" Threads
OzBargain polls should always include Bikies option.
To keep it legit to here you should have put eneloop as the candy option
If you're from the land of Ooo.
Can I have candy or actually chocolate anyway?
The candy is not real; it is in fact a veiled reference to 'transgender' which should've been an option in this poll. Think of the trannies.
I think it's a Whirlpool thing.
Transfat otherkin who identifies as an asexual panattracted tree. Where is my checkbox?
Not many female would desire to shop the way like OB. so mostly male
female here,….. just checking………yep female
Sausage. Fest.
This is another MSY BBQ?
I'm a lesbian in a man's body. Where's the option for that one?
Candy. It falls under the sub category of lollipops.
Where is the option for "professionals"?
I've always had a theory that women are more impulse buyers and don't need to know if something is truly a good deal. I know for a fact that all my wife needs to qualify as a bargain is the word "sale" on a ticket with a before price and a line through it, regardless to the actual best price for an item. I been shopping with her and I ask why she bought an item, she said because it was on sale, I went and check and it was 3 cents off. For me to make any significant purchase of any kind requires hours to research.
I'm a female and while I don't impulse buy I do notice that most of my friends do. It drives me nuts when I go shopping with them and they buy things that I know I could have gotten at least 20% cheaper elsewhere.
I'm the same as you, I do many hours of research before I purchase things, often will look at an item a few times before I purchase it, to make sure I really want it/need it.
I also don't buy things I don't have a use for, which is why I don't have a whole collection of eneloops like most people around here seem to.
I don't even recharge them, i just open a new pack when they run out… do I need to hand in my ozbargain licence now?
It drives me nuts when I go shopping with them and they buy things that I know I could have gotten at least 20% cheaper elsewhere.
I'm the same as you, I do many hours of research before I purchase things, often will look at an item a few times before I purchase it, to make sure I really want it/need it.
Interesting video, makes some good points particularly the comparison between the desire to save $20 on small and big ticket items.
I suppose for me personally it's the desire to get the best product at the best price that ends up with me researching for a long period, I don't always buy the cheapest if the quality of the product or service quality/reliability of the seller isn't up to scratch.
I wouldn't spend an hour trying to save $20, but I would spend a couple happily to make sure that the $500 item I'm about to buy is the best use of my money and to find the best price for that item.
For things like books and blurays doing a quick search on when out and about has saved me money many times.
its the thrill of the hunt
I need more eneloops :P only 3 unopened packets left.
I am female and have never ever ever bought eneloops
Female :)
I find deals for my bf :)
Female; and I find deals for all the family … Here and those overseas (for holidays etc).
I have not been reading very many of late though as my vehicle has cost me dearly and I seriously don't wish to be tempted. I still have those windscreen wipers I purchased through OzBargain … Only because I don't trust myself to fit them properly … And yet to find someone trustworthy to do so. Yes, even those car mechanics … Another story!
Must say, I have never heard that term "candy" before so very enlightening indeed.
Out of interest; Does androgynous fall into that same category as well?
I am god, the genderless.
i'm getting annoyed by EC's series of personal questions, I think you should go back to the deal pages and stay away from the forum section.
Male here :)