Termits in Bankstown?

last week , one day around 7p.m., i seen so many flying ants everywhere in the bankstown area.

is those ants are termits?


  • +1

    Man the heat must have hit u hard today! i know its gonna be around 40 degrees… but Dafuq? Termites in Ants?

  • Termites cannot survive in direct sunlight, as they have thin skin they will dehydrate and die. Termites make mud tunnels that they need to get around. No these are not termites.

  • Termites have a flying caste called alates. They leave the nest usually twice a year mostly during stormy weather. They are future kings and queens and when two meet up they can start a new colony. So, yes. Most likely termites that you saw.

    • A few nights ago these insects were flying around my bathroom light, but I couldn't tell if they were flying termites or flying ants. How can you tell the difference between the two?

      • +3

        One eats your house, the other doesn't.

        • As asdubstep said, catch a couple, put them in your foundations then wait for 10 years. If your house starts falling down then they were termites, if it doesn't they were probably ants.

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