Opal Inspectors Dodgy Checking Machines

After an inspector on the train recently checked my card, at my destination where I waved my card (no barriers), it registered but there was no charge.

The next day i checked my opal statement and their is no transaction for that trip.

3 days later my card was lower than expected. I checked on my opal statement and there is $8.10 charge for not tapping off.

To get this cleared had to call opal 30 wait.

Going forward I'm going to tell the inspectors "no" to checking my card. They can come to the station with me confirm when I tap off.

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Opal Card - NSW Government
Opal Card - NSW Government


  • Gr8 but I believe they can detain you until the cops come for refusing to show your card.
    Go ahead, you can't pay fines in Eneloops

    • Didnt say I wouldnt show my card, just that I wouldn't let them check it with their little hand held

      • You can show them it, but for all they know it could have $0 on it

  • +1

    you seriously think the inspectors machine did this? smh

    • Yes, it did, actually.

      Inspectors machines always do this.

  • And your logic is…?

  • inspector machine is a reader machine, which is they only can do read only. their machine can't do tap on/ off. u should know about the machine.

    • Well that is the assumed logic.

      I now also recall the telling the girl that tapped off before me to retap off because even though it did register it didn't do anything else.

      So when i tapped off, and it showed 0.00 taken off, I'd assumed it was to do with the so called reader machine.

      We were checked a couple of minutes before we got off, maybe timing has something to do with it?

      • can u watch the sign on the bottom of this page https://www.opal.com.au/en/about-opal/using-my-opal-card/

        i have been checked 3x so far, has no issue, if the issue you forgot to tap off you can check in your account on the web, when was the tap on compare with what time the officer checking your card.

        we live in the digital world, everything got the log, not based on what do you feel okay.

        • There is no 'feeling here' as I stated I SAW the 0.00.

          I SAW the girl in front of me tap off, it lighted and beeped but didn't take any money as well.

          We live in the digital age, if you know anything about digital, you'd know its not perfect, there are bugs in every system.

          It doesn't state when the officer checks your card

          Have you even been reading, or are you just here for a sanctimonious rant?

        • @Baghern: can u take the screen shot of your opal transaction?

  • A more plausible explanation is a fault in the exit gate. It was just coincidence that you were spot checked by inspectors just prior to this. People are very good as seeing patterns that don't exist.

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