Portable Laptop for DOTA

So I recently (2 days ago) purchased a Gigabyte R3 laptop.
Got it at a good price, and was excited because on paper its everything I wanted.
13.8", HD+, dedicated GPU, 8GB ram (in 1 stick too), i7 ULV, and I added an SSD to boot!

Now I realize my useless vision can't see the screen.
Its my first gift to myself in 8 years, after about $60k on eye surgery, and re-convincing myself I'm worth buying something for; and it turns out to be a thousand dollar paper weight.

Phoned my surgeon and booked some more surgery (bloody 8 grand later!), but I doubt it'll help enough to use this thing comfortably.

So, Now i'm in the market for what I thought I wasn't.

i5 or 7.
768p screen (IPS if possible)
Dedicated GPU (or M series CPU for HD4600)

Goals: office and internet tasks, with DOTA2 @ medium settings, native resolution.

Anyone know anything? Anything at all?

If not IPS; I dont care about black reproduction just image stability at angles.



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