Catch of the Day - "Pressure Cooker" : Did anyone land a big ticket item?

I've only checked this site a couple of times since 6pm-ish…..each time it presents me with the "server at capacity" screen.

Wondering if anyone managed to get one of the coveted "big ticket items" (consoles, cameras etc…)?

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  • tried all day, pretty much only had a chance to buy the toothbrushes! :S

    • Not quite as exciting as receiving a new Wii in the post box, but at least you'll have clean teeth!

  • I blame the red dust! ;)

  • +3

    I checked every 30 mins until 11pm to get the PS3. Got right to finalise order….then FAIL!

    F U COTD :-(

    • Oh my god I had the exact same thing. I kept getting logged out also.

  • The only time I managed to get the page to load I was offered "Pooki" - quite appropriate for this site don't you think! A complete non-event for me.

  • +3

    I was offered a damaged box of Pook, contents ok but the K was missing from the box.

  • nah, i missed out too. I got to the page 6 times with the ipod touch, and every time it piked out. Such a gay system. Really disappointed with cotd.

  • I didn't manage to grab the wii but COTD managed to charge my credit card…just waiting for it to come up on my statement so I can complain

    • demand the wii, say the payment was charged and the transaction went through. I'm 90% sure you're legally entitled to it (double check though)

      • I'm no bush lawyer, but I tend to agree with Davo. Offer>Acceptance>Payment kinda equals contract AFAIK! By all rights you should be the new owner of a Wii discostu! ;)

        You might need to press the issue a little, but if you want the Wii and you've paid for it then you're entitled to it…they'll understand that in the end and probably play ball! :)

        • i think legally, that argument might not stand. ie. your entitlement to the Wii. If they reverse the transaction on your card in a quick amount of time, don't think there is much LEGALLY you could do about it. I could be wrong though.
          Hopefully they show some good service and maybe they will honour the transaction.

          • @mick123: Yes, I really should have qualified my comment by saying it depends on whether the transaction is actually reversed in extremely short order as you say; or if it appears on the credit card statement as has been suggested elsewhere!

            You're right, if it's the former they could slip out; but if it's the latter I think they've gotta do their best to honour it from both an ethical and legal POV! That's my limited understanding of contract law/consumer protection legislation anyway! ;)

            If there's only a modest number of instances like this, I'd like to see cotd honour it too, it would be in their best interest to repair some of the ill-will from the pressure cooker sales of late! ;)

  • As much as I'd love to, the order hasn't come up on my COTD account and I highly doubt they'll honour it just to keep one customer "happy". I'm quite annoyed that they haven't got a phone number on the website so they can be contacted, as they can easily screen emails and who knows how long they will take to rectify the issue. Ive gotten things from Cotd several times before bit I'm quite miffed at this incident. Fair enough if they "run out" but how is it that the system can charge my card so easily?

    • +2

      hmm i'd send them your credit card statement via email and ask where your wii is, but thats just me.

      Don't Worry about emailing them, they answer most emails within 1 business day.…
      Daily Deals
      Mulgrave 2215 Dandenong Rd 3170
      (03) 9558 5736
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  • Hey Davo thanks for that! I was thinking about that before, but I have a feeling that if I were to call up they workers there would just be like sorry, that's our sister company, we don't have anything to do with them etc. Yeah, I was planning to do that, but I'll have to wait until it actually shows up on my account, it hasn't showed up on the account balance section yet but my balance has gone down by the same amount and I can't account it for anything else but the Wii seeing as I have not used my CC as of late. Let's hope that they'll deal with me promptly and rectify it asap! crosses fingers

  • Ahh well too late, I emailed them and they quickly reversed the charge - but not so much as an apology or even an email just to let me know about the refund! Quite disappointed in that actually, it's not hard for send a short email. It may happen regularly or something because a possible solution came up underneath the email box as I was typing in my complaint! I didn't even think about the offer and acceptance thing before, shame on me! =( Oh well, wasn't really a necessity anyway

  • I didn't get any big ticket items too…highly suspect they have only 1 or 2 units of these big ticket items (wii, nintendo ds, hair straightener, etc) and they're just used for advertising purposes.

    • I suspect similar, BAIT ADVERTISING or misleading and deceptive conduct.

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