Same deal as but now they are offering free chromecast if you sign up before Dec 5.
I was paying $90 pm with Iinet offnet so this will save me $10pm. Hope it helps someone.
Free Chromecast When You Sign up to Belong ADSL2+, 250GB for $80, $10 Modem

Referral Links
Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.
Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.
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closed Comments
Hi spackbace
Same speeds as iinet offnet but you get 250gb pm instead of 300. However there is no peak/off peak and no lock in contract. Belong is owned by telstra so they would have good support also.Dunno why you got negged. Probably gonna stick with the big company for the sake of $10/month. If it was $20/month or greater then I'd look more seriously
Telstra (Belong) > iiNet? hmm.
They don't offer anything less then 70gb right? What ISP (ADSL 2+) would you guys recommend for around 30-50gb of bandwidth a month? Thanks!
That's correct.. Also the 70gb is not good value anyway.
Maybe try doing a search on whirlpool.Cool thanks! Will look around tarken.
Possibly worth a long hard look before signing up —
We've been having a b*tch of a time with our Belong NBN in South Melbourne. Most times during the last 3 weeks we're down to less than 3Mbps, often around 1.8 or several times below 1Mbps.
They've been unwilling to offer any ETA for fixes, and in general we're very close to just cancelling the service.
Download speed or connection speed?
Pretty happy with our adsl2 at the moment, 20mbps connection speed :)
Same here. About 0.1mbps around 7pm.
That is congestion. Clear signs are speed dropping between 7pm-10pm (people back from work doing browsing).
We had a similar problem which got fixed by changing to iinet.
When changing, make sure you pick a provider that uses a different DSLAM. For example, if Belong is using Telstra, find a provider that does not use Telstra. Otherwise congestion problems won't be solved.We switched to Exetel NBN, and haven't had a single problem since — had a month full of Belong NBN results — so disappointing.
They were being complete a******s through the entire process and we decided it wasn't even worth pursuing.
OH!! The kicker: my partner called up one last time to complain, and they tried to upsell us onto a new plan (yeah right, like we're going to pay more when you can't even provide a service in the first place). When she said no, they basically told us we would have to wait at the back of the line for the other thing to be fixed.
This makes me sad :(
I hope belong isn't that bad, if it is, I will have to change again, which is going to be frustrating.
How are you finding Exetel, I would be on ADSL though.
I have been with Belong for half a year. I was initially very impressed, but lately less so.
During off-peak hours, I can get downloads at my sync speed (~6Mbps). The last few weeks, during peak hours (~6pm to ~10pm) I am lucky to get more than 10kBps. Yes, that's 0.1 megabit/s!
They are looking into it, but it's basically network congestion. I will probably have to switch soon.
So be aware of that before you sign up.Wow stuff that! Memories of stories of Dodo & tpg
Ladies & gents, what's with all the 'soul searching'? ;)
This deal has NO CONTRACT as well as NO SETUP FEE.
The most you can lose is $10 for the modem, which you get to keep anyway and use with another provider later on, if you wish.
Unless you are currently on some great legacy plan which you will never be able to get again if you switch, you literally have nothing to lose.
Give this mob a try, see how they work for you, take their FREE Chromecast as well as their (essentially free) modem and if you don't like the speed you are getting, the customer service, the colour of the modem or even their name or logo…..WALK!
If you do decide to leave after the first month because you want more data for less $$$, we have one possible option for you to consider.
Like with everything else, 'churn' hard and 'churn' often, especially if there is no cost involved! That should be in the 'genes' of every true ozbargainer!
Is it worth it? Reliable internet is important.
This is $80 + $10 modem for 250gb. I currently pay $69.95 for 250gb naked with iinet its fast and very reliable they also gave me a free bob lite as a loyalty bonus not long ago.
Churn often? Why? Isp's like iinet do sometimes take loyalty into account. There's downtime involved when switching, so it's not just like flicking a switch.
Oh, and iinet are the ones fighting for our rights, so they deserve my extra $10/month :)
Isp's like iinet do sometimes take loyalty into account.
Maybe iiNet are one of those that do but they also LOCK YOU INTO A CONTRACT so your so called loyalty is gained 'at gunpoint' so to speak.
There's downtime involved when switching, so it's not just like flicking a switch
If you switch between two providers that support 'rapid transfer', the downtime is usually between a few minutes and an hour (if at all). Whether or not ISPs support 'rapid transfer' should be a major buying criteria IMHO.
iinet are the ones fighting for our rights, so they deserve my extra $10/month
I see your point there and I'm the first person to barricade for net freedom and neutrality.
However, the major reason why iinet have voiced strong opposition to data retention laws is unfortunately a lot less 'noble':
These laws will cost them money and because of the competition dynamics in the ADSL broadband market, it will be hard for them to pass on the added costs to their customers without losing market share. This means the extra cost will hurt their profitability.
iiNet is a listed company and therefore is required, by law to maximise returns for its shareholders above all else using any legal means available to it.
I don't care why iinet is taking this stuff to court only that they are.
If your reasoning made sense they wouldn't be the only ones in court, they aren't the biggest players in town and everyone would have these costs.
Churning costs, both time and money. The bandwidth hassles I'm having with Belong are costing me time and frustration. I just want my internet to work. And the modem they gave me for $1 is really bad - not using it, as it achieves a very low sync.
I can't tell for sure what the problem is in your case but can speak from personal experience.
I've put my mum on Belong and she is using their supplied modem.
I speed test her connection weekly since she got connected just over a month ago and she gets a solid sync averaging 12-14 Mbps.
I don't Belong.
then you should leave
The deal isn't exclusive
Who should they exclude?
I have joined and am getting off asap
read here
Day speeds 13Mbs+
night speeds 0.61Mbs NO KIDDING
and their facebook pageSo I guess they're a bit different to other Telstra connections ?
Unless Telstra is really bad. It's 6:30pm here and I can't even stream at 128kbps. I get 0.1Mbps around this time.
Is telstra that bad?
im with iprimus for last year and my connection is slow only 1.1mbps (long distance from exchange) but it's that speed day and night never goes down or up it's a steady speed.@holden93:
We have been with TPG, Dodo, Adam, eftel and been naked.
Naked is really good when you are close to the exchange. All the others do have various service issues, some being better than others.
Only NBN is likely to improve speed compared to the existing local conditions in your area. Turning your modem on and off again is about all you can do when the internet use is busy. Any corroded copper in older areas (or the seaside,) is going to affect this too.
I have got TPG at our rear house and get 12MBPS and got Belong at our house at the front and get 5MBPS (both tests done at the same time but different modems).
Next test I am going to do is with same Modem but keeping my hopes low.
TPG would be better and after every 3 months you can buy a chromecast with all the savings
Yes, but if you ever wanna leave while on-contract, you will have to give all the chromecasts you bought to TPG plus will need to buy them like 10 more.
Catch my drift? ;)
How is this a deal? I'm with iprimus and paying $60 a month for unlimited adsl2+
Are you on a lock-in CONTRACT?
I believe iPrimus plans are 24 month lock-in.
Not being locked into a contract should be a MAJOR buying decision for everyone. I know it is for me.
In countries where customers shunned providers who lock people in, that practice has simply ceased to exist as companies either stopped doing that or went out of business.
We should do the same in Australia.
But you are paying a premium to do so…. whole of life costing is more important.
Get out of Ozbargains if you think differently.
But you are paying a premium to do so…. whole of life costing is more important.
There is an implied assumption in your statement that no lock-in contracts automatically means higher prices.
That is simply not true and the experience in both Australia and other countries has clearly shown that not only abolishing lock-in contracts does NOT increase prices but almost always, it actually causes prices to fall due to the fact there is more fierce competition between providers and that they can no longer take any of their existing customers for granted.
We saw that when the government intervened and banned mortgage exit fees through legislation. Rates actually fell on average and the competition in the home loan market is probably the fiercest it has ever been in Australian history.
Another example is Origin Energy unilaterally abolishing exit fees on all their plans. They didn't raise their prices to compensate for that and that was simply because they knew their customers would walk (they'll be stupid not to).…With regards to broadband specifically, nowadays you can get the same (and even better) value without having to lock yourself in. We clearly show that with many specific examples in our comprehensive free report:…@ginmi: We get what you are saying lock in contracts are bad. However if you are going to stay with the company anyway it doesn't matter.
And the rates fell because America broke the economy not because Australia banned mortgage exit fees.
As I said before, $10/month gets me more data, the best customer service in the country, guaranteed great speeds and reliability. Plus it goes towards them fighting the US from trying to bring their law suits here (as said previously, no one else is fighting this fight and it wouldn't be a cheap one, but if it weren't for iinet going to court, all other isp's would now be stuffed).
You defend this relatively small-time company so much, it's kinda strange…
I signed up for 24 months.
I get what your saying but all im looking at is the fact that i'm paying $60 for unlimited adsl2+ including line rental which is much cheaper PM then this so called deal.
find me a locked in or not locked in unlimited adsl2+ plan cheaper? i don't think there is so why would lock in or not lock in matter at all? maybe if you only need internet for short time but then why bother with broadband?So no it's not a major buying decision for everyone. this is ozbargain here we want the cheapest price.
It's not about whether you will be using internet for the next two years. We all do. And most of us will be stuck on ADSL for the next 91 years to come, the way the NBN is going. But locking in prevents you from moving if your ISP goes down the drain. I signed up with Belong after my iinet connection became shockingly unstable and slow. I am now having major congestion issues with Belong around peak hours, and thankfully I can move to another ISP because I am not locked in. Imagine being stuck with an ISP for two years if your connection is bad. Sure, you have rights, and they should fix it - good luck with that! :)
Yes, it's Ozbargain. But most people here do not compromise on their internet connection. No internet means no Ozbargain :)
What he said… :)
@Make it so:
So why should we switch away from perfectly good internet, just to try this ISP? Just to keep the big guys fair? You really think they'll care if they lose 0.5% of their customer base, that will be back with their tail between their legs within 6 months?I'm reading from multiple cases in this thread that this company can't handle peak congestion, and yet to find a good enough reason to switch besides 'it'll keep them honest', or to that extent.
This plan, while $10/month and no contract, is a lesser know company, has issues with peak time speed, and isn't going into bat for consumers in a court case that could have a major impact on everyone.
No deal!
@Spackbace: I did not say you should switch away from perfectly good internet at all. I am only saying not to sign up for two years if you do not know yet whether you will get perfectly good internet. Also, a connection which is good at the beginning can turn bad later.
I do not support switching for the sake of switching. I just don't like locking in.
Two quick points to add:
The free Chromecast is not only for people who sign up to the 250GB ADSL2+ plan. It is given to any new customer who signs up to any of the plans, either the ADSL or NBN ones. Belong sends the Chromecast in the box with the modem so technically, you can take them both and 'run' without proceeding with the actual service as the box with the modem arrives within 3-4 business days of signing up (they send it by courier using Startrack Express). Basically, you can get a Chromecast for $10 provided belong services your area ;)
If you end up staying with Belong for at least 3 months, you can score a $50 gift card to JBHiFi provided you enter the right promo code during the sign-up. Full details of this are here
Ordered Belong.
Placed your ref code.
Hopefully they should be ok.
iiNet was a pain, when I moved to the new place, stating I could move my HFC service, however, they were unable to do so and wanted to charge me $150 to move house and setup ADSL2+ hence moving to Belong.
Going to be a great difference, but better than nothing.
Yep, moving house is a great 'milking' opportunity for ISPs.
If you happen to also move into a place that doesn't have an active landline already, Telstra are only too happy to join the 'party' to bleed your wallet dry.
The PRIMARY benefit of this Belong deal is the fact that you can get your ADSL service (and landline if required) connect for absolutely FREE.
There are definitely plans out there that offer a bigger data allowance for the same (and even cheaper if you're willing to lock yourself into a contract) price.
Once Belong got your initial ADSL setup and you're up and running, you can become a 'broadband slut' like myself and just go for the ABSOLUTE BEST value deal you can source.
If you're interested to get more data than the 70GB you get with Belong, you can score yourself a plan with unlimited data and NO CONTRACT for the same price of the Belong plan.
Switching across will cost you $29 or, if you use a referral, only $4.
Full details here
I found that.
Here you get shafted, not quite the same in the UK.
Proposed install date on 2/1/2015 but that ins't feasible. I will wait to see if an alternative date can be provided.
Would have been without the internet for over 8 weeks, which is shocking.
Hopefully NBN will be available one day, waiting for it to be deployed around the area but that won't happen knowing my luck.
Thanks :)
Without going through the site (sorry) also iinet offnet here, how's the speeds etc? For the extra $10/month I actually like iinet's service :)