I currently have an HTC One M8 and while it's a fantastic phone, I'd like to try something different. Had my sights on the N6 but that price is ridiculous for a Nexus and apparently the camera is sub par compared to the competition. Currently have my eyes on the One Plus One but I'm not sure about the camera qualities and if it supports Telstras 4GX frequencies. I also need a really good camera as I go to a lot of events and concerts and take pictures and video in dark conditions. While the M8 does an awesome job at that, it does lack in regular conditions and blue lights tend to bleed a fair bit in the dark. Only want an Android phone for now. Also, inb4Samsung
Top Tier Phone Suggestions

uh, so sad my new LG G pro 2 doesnt go into the list above :)
anyway, get second hand in good condition so you dont loose too much when upgrading.http://www.phonearena.com/news/Samsung-Galaxy-Note-4-wins-ou…
Here's a comparison of some high end phone cameras.
I'm truly surprised by how bad the first picture in the link turned out for the Z3. Persoanlly having one, I know the pictures it takes aren't perfect, but to be that bad is truly a shock…
If you are looking for value I would go for the One Plus One. Finally we have a high end smartphone at a sensible price. I am never spending silly money on an Android again after paying $750 for my galaxy s3 and now it is practically useless (battery wont hold a charge and it is awfully slow/laggy).
I still really like my nexus 5, http://www.google.com.au/nexus/5/ & https://play.google.com/store/devices/details/Nexus_5_16GB_B…
Edit: Oops, just re-read your post and you've already considered N6, Never mind then :)
My mate has the one plus one and work mate has the oppo find 7, both good phones too. The early adopter release of the find7 was a good deal. My work mate got it for ~$550, i think $700+ is too much for either of those phones
why is no one mentioning the iphone 6?
he asked for top tier.
Only want an Android phone for now
look at the Z3 from Sony, it supports 4gx as well. really nice phone, works well, feels great in the hand.
So far great battery life. took low light (street lit) photos on the weekend and they were pretty good I thought, I think the camera is perfectly fine and nice that it has a shutter button as well.
Tap to wake (or what ever it is called) is a good feature but maybe that is all new androids now.
and the usual z series things like water proof…
LG G3 good camera, dual tone camera flash, but med. battery life
Xperia Z3 Compact good camera, compact, good battery endurance, but prone to overheating and causing screen crack
Note 3 good camera, phablet, endurance
Moto Droid Turbo (note not available in Aus yet).
Oppo Find 7
Oppo Find 7a
One Plus One. It has 700, 1800, 2100, 2300 and 2600mhz LTE bands which are all used in Australia.
List of Aussie Network frequencies use this to work out what 4G device is compatible.
Phones considered best for low light photography
Zenfone 5/6
Lumia 1020
iPhone 6Plus
Xperia Z3 / Z3 Compact
Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy K zoom