• expired

Simply Energy - Save up to 30% for Electricity/16% for Usage & Supply Charges (RACV Members) (VIC)


The truenergy promotion with RACV has been re opened, now with the supply charges being reduced 30% as well. Some had criticized the previous deal because the supply charges appeared too high.
I basically signed up on a deal after discounts and GST applied of ,
13.69c/kwh for the first 1020
15.35c/kwh 1020+
75c /day supply

This seems ok to me

Mod: Please write an informative title stating what the deal is and not just titling the post with the company name. See the title guidelines.

Referral Links

Referral: random (25)

Referrer and referee each get $75 in bill credits.

Related Stores

ENGIE (Previously Simply Energy)
ENGIE (Previously Simply Energy)

closed Comments

  • +1

    So whats deal here? Can you please care to update title with bargain details?

    • ok So the deal is that as an RACV member you get 30% off usage and (now) supply as well.I did a quick check on swichon and found that their recommended supplier was powerdirect. Powerdirect deals were
      18.95c/kwh peak 3pm-9pm
      16.19c/kw 7am-3pm and 9pm-10pm
      10.77 c/kw off peak 12am-7am and 10pm-12am

      supply was 105.37/day

      For our usage i judged that it would be better to have the lower rate during peak/normal hours of the simply energy

  • +1

    Anyone use them? more details would be nice

    • Can't speak for others, but I got off them months ago and have never been happier. The final straw was a quarterly bill for $840 (before discounts) that would have been $400-$500 with every other supplier checked on the yourchoice site.
      By switching companies and without changing any usage habits, I've saved around $150 a month even with discounts applied.

  • I used to be with them many years ago, if it is possible stay clear from them because their customer service is pretty average and I got sent a Debt Collection notice right after sending them termination notice.

    Also, if you have a solar, I heard they will add "penalties" on top their charges.

    The rates are really dependent on which Distribution network you belong to. If you try SP Ausnet (Ausnet Services), which is the most expensive distribution, you won't get the rates this good. Use your NMI number to figure out which distribution network you belong to.

    As a general rule, I would normally ask for a quarterly billing, step-up rates that are based on QUARTERLY usage (not daily/monthly) so for example the first 1,020kwh is based on the first 1,020kwh per Quarter instead of 11kwh per day (1,020 / 92 days). As you can see above, they charge you more above the 1,020kwh.

    The 75c supply charge per day indicates this could be United Energy / Citipower because experience tells me they are the cheapest.

  • I have been researching energy prices (created a spreadsheet of all the main providers) in my area (near Melbourne city) and this lot are the cheapest for both gas and electricity. You can also compare providers on: http://www.yourchoice.vic.gov.au/

    I have a company with an ABN so I can get the business rates which are even cheaper for gas than the residential rates.

    The above supply rates are for Citipower.

  • Anybody else in United Energy area? love to know what the rates are.

  • Might need to check my supplier

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