This was posted 10 years 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

New 3DS $198, Old 3DS XL + An. Crsg $198, New XL + Charger + Paper Mario $248, Pokemon Ruby/Saphire $44 @ BIGW

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Available Friday 21/11 and valid through to December 3rd!

OLD 3DS XL Console Deal for 22/11 ONLY
$198 3DS XL Console + Animal Crossing 3DS Game

Available in Blue, White, Red, Silver, colours vary by store.

$44 Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire 3DS

$248 New 3DS XL Console (Black or Blue) + Official Charger + Paper Mario Sticker Star 3DS Game
(RRP of the Charger is $14.95, Paper Mario can be had for $29 and console is $249 RRP)

$198 New 3DS Console White (A Charger is required and is sold separately, RRP $219)

ALSO If Paper Mario is out of stock it is unlikely BIG W will offer a replacement based on users experience. It can't hurt to ask and some stores were able to substitute. If this changes I will be sure to update. YMMV

FYI Target has the New 3DS Console for $197 and the New 3DS XL for $229. Keep in mind that if you don't have a charger from a previous 3DS/2DS/DSi you will need to purchase one. Target also have Pokemon for $44. These deals are useful for those who wish to price match and don't have one or the other store in their area.

Other items of interest

$478 Xbox One Assassins Creed Console Bundle - Includes Assassins Creed Black Flag and Unity Download Tokens + Forza Horizon 2 Retail game.

$498 PS4 Grand Theft Auto V Console Bundle

$64 Grand Theft Auto V Xbox One / PS4

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • lol great vid here summing up what it's like to check of stock levels of 3ds'

    guy didn't know what i was on about.

  • it's $197 at Target.

  • Just picked up my New 3DS XL Bundle for $238 using the $10 voucher. Happy days :)

  • Does Nintendo intend to discontinue the old 3DS? The fragmentation is a first for handhelds, because there will be games that old 3DS can't play, like Xenoblade. Someone might mention Gameboy color. These cartridges can still play on standard gameboy, just without color. Xenoblade won't play on old 3DS because its processor isn't fast enough.

    It's going to be interesting if a mom buy something for her kids and it doesn't play on their old 3DS..

    • Not all GB Colour games could be played on a standard GB. You had the black carts that could play on both (Old in B&W or GBC in Colour). Then the clear ones were labeled "Only for Gameboy Colour" or something to that effect.
      They have fragmented things for years, I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the old "Does 50 extra things if played on the NEW 3DS" line.

      The Original 3DS Console is fragmented enough as it is. Still shows up on a heap of promo material, even their website as the "3DS Family", but if I asked someone here to go down the street and try and buy a normal 3DS New (not second hand), Not an XL or any of the "New" 3DS Consoles, I doubt they would have much luck.

      Not sure how they would go with having the old XL's around but if they don't get a proper price drop they may just slowly phase them out. BIG W had the $198 Old XL + Animal Crossing and EB Games has the same deal but for $249 (oh and Marvel Super heroes).

      Don't forget that the 2DS doesn't have the new upgrade so we may see a "New" 2DS soon. I don't see any point in keeping a gimped version around when they have released the 2DS for the very low end, the New 3DS and the New 3DS XL. With Nintendo, it's anyones guess though.

      • There is 2ds Pokemon edition console with transparent red or blue colour out soon.
        If Nintendo does not stop making the normal 3ds XL, it is likely it is trying to keep it as a budget line like: 2ds for kids, 3ds XL for adults on budget, new 3ds and new 3ds XL for adults premium range.
        But unlikely as the tablets, and smart phones are killing mobile or handheld gaming so Nintendo is better to trim its product line to keep the cost down.

        • That would just be a confusing mess (as if it isn't already). Especially calling it "new". What's the next one going to be called? The Even Newer 3DS? It's going to cause massive confusion, and Nintendo's audience are wide and diverse, so there's bound to be people who don't understand this stuff.

          I would just discontinue old 3DS and 3DS XL, release New 2DS and be done with it. The price difference should not be much.

      • In the case of Gameboy and GBC, if you bought a Gameboy you know it's monochrome and it was never reasonable to expect it to play color games. Just as if you bought a black and white printer long ago, you wouldn't expect to print in color when color printers get released. For all intents and purposes, GBC may as well be viewed as a next generation handheld that has backwards compatibility.

        3DS on the other hand, there hasn't been a precedent in handheld gaming or console gaming where a refreshed model of a console/handheld had better specs. Even if you bought the earliest model of a piece of hardware that got refreshed every year or two you had the expectation of being able to play all games that release for it.

        It looks like Nintendo is taking the smartphone/tablet model, hoping people buy a new 3DS every year or two, and this is not something gamers (or the people who buy games for their kids) are going to be used to, and some will get tripped up on this. I thought the idea of 2DS was already bad, but at least it could play all 3DS games.. until now.

        I'm going to be wary about buying first model hardware from Nintendo when they release their next generation handheld. Even when they didn't fragment, they usually got the first model wrong anyway (DS, GBA for example). Everyone told Nintendo releasing 3DS without a second stick was a bad idea (after the PSP was criticized for the same thing) the moment the thing was revealed, but they did it anyway. Then they released the stupid attachment, and I said I'll wait till they integrate it into the hardware. Some years past and they didn't do it, presumably to avoid fragmentation (lol), so I assumed they weren't going to (Sony never did with the PSP) and I bought the 3DS. In hindsight I should have waited, and I think that's what I'm going to do in the future.

        New 3DS is what they should have released in the first place, and had they listened to feedback they would have.

        • It has taken itself to Apple or a higher level not including a charger or at least a charging cable so I guess like you said it expects you to upgrade it every year.

  • Can we get a rain check on the New 3DS Big W bundle deal? I asked my mate about it just a couple of hours ago and he said he'd been to a bunch of Big W's but they were all out… :(

  • No stock anywheerrreeergsejkbh. I ain't paying $250 at EB or JB

    • I feel you man. I went to 3 stores yesterday, sadly no dice. All stores had no paper mario and no adapters. I was told by the staff that they only stock say 5 or so adapters only.
      I think your best bet is to go to target or jb hifi and pricematch target. Saw a lady pricematching it yesterday at Jb hi fi (liverpool) and no complaints. Just have the target catalogue ready.

      • i've tried 2 targets, no luck. and used their online chat today and asked for stock around me and they said there was some at my local one, so went there again, but of course there was none in stock. i might try pricematching at JB. I could just order online at target…but I hate waiting :P

  • Anyone know what firmware version the new 3DS XL is when you first buy it?

    • +1


  • Thanks, anyone else know what firmware the old 3DS XL comes with?

    • Some (black & silver) 4 others 7 or above

  • All the bundles sold out near me in Adelaide. =(

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