Hi Ramrunner,
I understand what you are saying. We recently gave away 2 latex pillows and will continue to give away tangeable items with future draws.
This draw however gives someone a chance to receive $150 off our already reduced mattress prices and if you live in the melbourne metro area you will also receive free delivery.
You do make valid points and take these into account when creating future competitions.
Part of this competition is that Big Bedding Australia will also be donating some of its profits to the charity our followers choice. We will begin donating once we hit 1000 likes.
Thank you for your input. Keep in contact with us because althought this competition may not interest you, future ones may.
You know? I don't think this is worth a competition? $150 off something costing more than $150 means you don't really win anything as such (get something for free by winning a competition).
I realize EVERY COMPANY and their dogs want Facebook likes/Brand recognition and it is tough to get it so it seems EVERYBODY is running some sort of "competition" to boost their Facebook likes.
Trading something for likes is not really in the spirit of Facebook likes in the first place in my opinion, but hey, I understand that's what it takes sometimes in business if you need to get your company "out there".
But to run competitions where you don't win anything material, just a store credit basically, with which you can't even BUY a mattress completely, I mean aren't these "competitions" getting a bit silly?
Is it just me or are others now getting a bit over these kinds of competitions where you only win a small amount of store credit not even enough to buy anything?