ISP Moving Home Fee

Hi Guys,

We're about to move to another home in 2 months.

Currently my internet and homephone are with TPG and we're out of contract for about 2 years now. TPG wants $99.95 to move our service from our old address to a new one. I rang their customer service and they advised there is nothing they can do to waive/reduce that fee.

I like TPG and have had no problem with them in the past, but paying them $99.95 to continue paying them $60/month irritates me.

What should I do? Should I:

  • Suck up and pay the $100
  • Cancel the current plan, look for a new provider with free set up fee.(rang iprimus and dodo and they offer free set up fee)

Anybody knows any trick to get them to waive the moving fee ?

Thanks for any suggestion?


  • i have moved with TPG and i don't remember paying that fee (i've moved at least twice). if they asked for it, i would cancel contract and start a new one at the new place. you might even get a better deal with their current $60 plans, if you have't upgraded recently.

    • +1

      I've been their customer for about 8 years and currently on their unlimited bundle. I had to pay twice in the past :-(.

      I just realise cancelling the plan and sign up a new one with TPG saves me around $20 haha.

      • Do whatever is cheaper.

    • If you cancel and start a new contract you'll
      A) Be locked in for 2 years
      B) Have to pay the connection fee.

      • That is why you look elsewhere:
        Belong - no contract, no connection fee, free Chromecast.
        Spintel - 12 month contract, no connection fee.
        OptusNet - 6 month contract, no connection fee.

        • I've just tried to sign up to spintel and their connection fee is now $50 :(

        • @Hipmumma: You could always connect with Belong and churn over if it is allowed.

        • @derpdeder:

          Unfortunately I can't get belong :(

  • If you cancel service at current address & do new install at new address do they offer free install?
    If you recontract with them will they waive fee?

    • I haven't check if they waive the set up fee on signing up a new contract but that's a no brainer really.

      If they don't waive the address moving fee and then waive the set up fee …. OH well. I'll try calling them pretending i'm a new customer to see if they waive the set up fee.

      • If they do waive it, they'll likely want to lock you back into a contract.

  • +2

    I went through this ridiculous process with TPG recently when I moved house. I too was out of contract and they wanted $100 to move, or $80 if I signed a contract for 12 months.

    I was happy with the plan I was on with TPG before the move but all this fee did was make me examine offers available to new customers with other ISPs. Ended up going with another ISP who were the same price and no connection fee. Pretty poor policy.

    • +1

      They don't realise that they can loose long term customers with this policy.
      Best to go with another free connection isp… no reward for being loyal to any isp.

  • +1

    Fact is it does cost an ISP to relocate your service, since it's not really a relocation, but a new setup at the new address as well as a disconnection at the old one. Telstra Wholesale actually do the work, and it usually does involve the technician personally attending the phone exchange to hook up the wiring.
    Even so, most places should drop the fee down to $0 if you recontract for 24 months.

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