Download Windows 10 Technical Preview with Product Key

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Now download Windows 10 Technical Preview with official product key to enjoy all new preview of upcoming operating system from Microsoft. Windows 10 OS is on its way to be appeared successfully but before that you have chance to check stability & accessibility by using Windows 10 Technical Preview in test mode. - See more at:…

You can test Windows 10 Technical Preview in either Virtual environment (VirtualBox etc.) or directly installing in PC/laptop in separate partition (Dual boot). Make sure to collect following data before starting the procedure. - See more at:…

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  • +2

    Where is Win 9? lol

    • I have read it is possibly because of some dumbass program coding in which 9 would get confused with 95,98 etc

      • +1

        Where is Win 9? lol

        dunno why you got negged, fixed it back up for ya.

        historically every 2nd version of windows has been shit. xp good, visa crap, win7 good, win8 crap, with history being any guide win9 was due to be another good one…. but after trying win10 when it first came out its as crap as win8 is…… so thats my theory of why they chose to skip win9 :)

        • Any particular reasons you don't like 8.1/10?

          I find them both to be much more productive, efficient, and faster than Windows 7.

        • @Shaw: do you also use tablets etc much? for me the navigation on a big screens (30" dell 2560x1600 and kogan 55" 1080p) the navigation is horrendous. it might work well on small screens or more so touch screens but i just cant stand it on big screens.

          the only other thing like it i use is a note 3 and win8/10 just feels like my fone.

          for me it also feels like they are trying to integrate everything more apple style, and i also cant stand that. basically they are trying to make it easier for dumb people at the expense of the more tech orientated… but then again i "grew up" on command lines so it still feels normal to me to get up a command prompt and do things that way.

          because of windows 8 i have finally done something ive been threatening myself id do for decades and give linux a go, my desktop is still win7 because of gaming, htpc is dual boot win7/ubuntu but only ever use ubuntu on it, windows is there only for testing really, laptops straight ubuntu and i have a handful of embedded devices (raspberry pi, beagle bone etc) running anything from CLI debian/arch/xbmc etc linux distributions and now that im used to it linux shits on win8+ (apart from gaming)

          tl;dr i want a PC not a mac/ifone/android fone

        • @nosdan:

          @Shaw: do you also use tablets etc much? for me the navigation on a big screens (30" dell 2560x1600 and kogan 55" 1080p) the navigation is horrendous. it might work well on small screens or more so touch screens but i just cant stand it on big screens.

          Nope, I have an Android tablet, but I don't use it all too frequently, mostly just my PC/Laptop and some VM's. I've found using hotkeys makes navigation a lot quicker in W8.1/10, especially on larger monitors. Also being able to increase the DPI on your mouse helps too.

          the only other thing like it i use is a note 3 and win8/10 just feels like my fone.

          Specifically windows 10, which feature is comparable to Android in anyway? Not that Touchwiz is really Android anyway, but still.

          for me it also feels like they are trying to integrate everything more apple style, and i also cant stand that. basically they are trying to make it easier for dumb people at the expense of the more tech orientated… but then again i "grew up" on command lines so it still feels normal to me to get up a command prompt and do things that way.

          What are you specifically referring to with the integration? All that I see was being able to search with Bing from the start menu, which I personally never use.

          CMD has actually been upgraded in Windows 10 with new functions and hotkeys, so it by no means has no use, and there is always Powershell if you want more.

          because of windows 8 i have finally done something ive been threatening myself id do for decades and give linux a go, my desktop is still win7 because of gaming, htpc is dual boot win7/ubuntu but only ever use ubuntu on it, windows is there only for testing really, laptops straight ubuntu and i have a handful of embedded devices (raspberry pi, beagle bone etc) running anything from CLI debian/arch/xbmc etc linux distributions and now that im used to it linux shits on win8+ (apart from gaming)

          *Nix distros' have their place no doubt about that, and if it is something that you prefer and that works for you, then that is cool, it's really just a preference thing. Personally, I am of the opinion that Windows has got a lot better since Windows 7, an opinion of which I know there are a lot who disagree, but behind the start screen, there is a lot to like about the newer versions (I personally didn't mind the start menu either, on any size or res monitor).

          tl;dr i want a PC not a mac/ifone/android fone

          I read it :)

  • been available from Technet for quite some time……

  • Everyone who should be testing windows 10 IS testing Windows 10. It's not for general public distribution and probably won't look like it does now anyway.

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