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Trackthisforme Android App - FREE Pro Version


Thanks to App Of The Day, you can now get the PRO version of this app for free, presumably for the next 24 hours or so.

This is a powerful but flexible tracker of things.

The above link is for the android version of the app.

What things?

Any things. (I'll stop there so it doesn't sound like a Dr Seuss book)

Wanna track your weight?
Traffic time to work?
Hours slept at night?

Trackthisforme offers a convenient and easy to "do" way of tracking these things. And of course it can put the results in a pretty graph for you.

Other suggested uses: (please feel free to add your own)

number of times Vladimir Putin is seen shirtless in public
number of cheezy photo opportunities Kim Jong Un is in
number of your unnecessary ozbargain purchases per week
number of unused eneloops lying around your home
number of negs received by each comment made by jv
number of poor puns made by shmahoo in relation to a condom or feminine hygeine product
number of times COTD let you put an item in your shopping basket but it's disappeared by the time you get to the checkout

These are all I could come up with for now, I'd love to hear some of your own.

But seriously, it is a great and powerful app, yet simple to use, and isn't dry harsh on your skin like traditional database managers.

Related Stores

Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • Please update the title as Android App. Thanks

  • +1

    where do you input the code ?

    ok -> "preferences", "redeem coupon"

    • Needs to be in uppercase APPOFTHEDAY

      • No it actually needs to be in lower case appoftheday

        • Strangely refused lower case (as in other appoftheday deals) for me, only accepted in upper case on my tablet - but I'm in Japan ;-) So if lower case doesn't work…

        • +1

          @brucefromaustralia: brucefromaustraliainjapan? ;]

  • +3

    How does this thing track your weight?

    Do you stand on your phone?

    • 1) you enter your weight today in aap
      2) after few days again enter your weight
      3) app will calculate how much weight you gained/lost.

      • +5

        we call it 'calculator'

    • make sure to put it in the microwave to calibrate the weight sensor

      • +2

        pfft, he is not charging an iPhone 6

      • +6

        That's a pretty irresponsible comment to make. People, please do not put your Android phones in the microwave!
        If you have an iPhone with iOS 8.1 installed then go right ahead; but otherwise don't be silly folks…

  • Seems like a cool app if you're into the whole 'quantified self' thing. I just gave it a whirl and it's actually better than a lot of browser based databases.

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