Wii and Wii fit

Hi guys,

I would like to get a Wii and a Wii fit. What is the cheapest price you have seen it at?

I see they have a Wii on COTD for $199 tomorrow. Is that a good price? Am I better off getting a Wii/Wii Fit bundle than buying the $199 Wii and then finding a bargain on the Wii fit.

I am finding the Wii difficult to bargain hunt because every catalogue has a different bundle.

Can anyone shed some light as to what I should be looking for?



  • +2

    Your chances of grabbing a Wii for $199 at COTD is very slim. If you can get it then definitely buy it as that is half price and Wii Fits only go for around $120.

    The price of the Wii console has generally remained the same at ~$380-$400. I suppose you just have to wait until there is a cheap bundle deal released at one of the major retailers and snatch it up then.

    • +1

      +1 to the above, Wii, ps3, DS etc will sell out the fastest, followed closely by the rest of the "bait" items.

      Perhaps i'll get my deal or no deal dvd game afterall!

  • Does second-hand count? I happened to noticed the classifieds in Brisbane's paper today had several people selling Wii fit for as low as $20. I think one guy's selling it with the console for $100.

    If you're interested maybe have a look at this as new bundle for $300 on Gumtree:


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