[Pricing Error] Cadbury Icecream down to $2 from $6.99 @ Woolworths (Less Than 1/3 of The Price for 2L Tub)

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This is awesome price I've seen it go for $4 lowest. Now its just $2 thats cheaper than Homebrand icecream.

$2 for 2l icecream tub. Price reduced from $6.99

BTW there are 5 flavours

1 - Dairy milk chip
2 - Triple Chocolate
3 - Lite Vanilla
4 - Vanilla
5 - Caramello

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  • +1

    Online only?

    • +1

      Looks like it… But you can buy online and pick up…

      • +1

        Minimum spend $30.

        • So buy 15? :)

  • +1

    pricing error? meant to be $2 off

  • Its woolworths for those wondering

    I dont know why they are not selling the best variety


    IGA sell this one

  • +3

    Thanks, now I need to turn the freezer on

  • +1

    must be online only, paid $5 today

  • Nice score though odd that I cannot pickup from my local store at Jesmond. Not even listed.

  • Man that's a good price! Shame i can't pick up at my closest 2 stores.

    No other ice cream compares to the vanilla one for me :(

    • Same, no stores near me are listed.

  • Urghhh… $30 min. spend

    • +3

      Simple - buy 15 and be a popular neighbour ;)

    • +2

      I will move next to your house then

  • Cadbury was good until they got rid of triple choc

    • +1

      Well they are still selling triple choc

      • +1

        I haven't seen it in years, not at my local woolies, coles or IGA :(

    • Still there though?

  • Bought alcohol to bring the order to $30!! Cheers OP

  • +2

    I was on the phone earlier to Woolies online - they're having problems with prices on the website today. A few of of the catalogue specials aren't showing up online, so I'd say this is part of their website issues.

    • Thanks, was wondering why I couldn't find the $1 beetroot special.

  • Thanks for the post, love my icecream. If you can get the total up to $50 and enter EDRSAVE10, you may get another $10 off the total order, thanks to this post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/169010

  • +2

    It's a Pricing Error. I just called Woolies and they confirmed it. It's meant to be $2.00 off, not $2.00 as the final cost. It's why there's currently no option to finalize an order of it online, or pick it up at that price from the store. The manager advised me any orders that have come through wont be honoured due to the pricing error.

    • +1

      Oh damn, mine went through and I got a confirmation to pick up tomorrow.
      Wonder what will happen when I go to pick it up.

    • duplicate Delete

    • "Won't be honoured?"

      My local woolies didn't even say a thing


      • +2

        When I went to pick up mine they didn't say anything either.
        Now I have a freezer full of ice cream, going to need it for the 40 degree heat that's coming tomorrow!

  • Ordered 6 tubs for pickup at Minto (among a few other things), not my local store but close enough.
    Thanks for the deal OP.

  • OK ordered.

    Now let's hope they don't play me out when I go collect tomorrow.

    • +3

      Everything I buy is a single serving.

      chips/lollies/ice cream = once its opened there is no going back.

  • -8

    Taking advantage of a deal and taking advantage of an (obvious) error are not the same thing.
    Those who bought up big should be ashamed of themselves!
    I am just glad that it was Woolies and not a smaller retailer that would feel the impact more significantly.

  • +3

    Thanks again OP, whether it was a pricing error or not, Woolworths honoured my order and I collected it this morning.

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