Help Me Figure out The Odd Increase in My Electricity Consumption?

I'm having trouble trying to figure out why my current electricity bill has a significant increase in consumption. If anyone could point out to me what the potential causes are, it'll be greatly appreciated.

The latest bill shows that I consumed:
973 kWh over 17 July to 16 October, compared to the previous two:
648 kWh over 15 April to 16 July
580 kWh over 17 Jan to 14 April.

The Jan-April usage is probably lower compared to the April-July one because I was away for about 2 weeks in February, and I probably consumed more energy using the heater in winter.

I've double checked the meter readings, and it seems accurate.
I live alone, and I can't think of any new or high energy appliance I've added over the past 3 months. In fact, the only new appliance I've bought is a laptop to use in addition to my current desktop.
If it's of any use, I'm with LUMO Energy.
The LUMO customer service rep I spoke to wasn't of any help either.

Edited to add: I looked back at my July-October bill for 2013, and the usage was only 569kWh. And that was when I had a person living with me!

Edit 2:
Looking @ the bills + meter readings again.

The meter reading on the 16 October was 83,532. The meter reading today stands @ 83,688. That works out to 156kWh over the last 3.5 weeks, which seems slightly lower than my average of 200kWh.

Do you guys reckon there's a chance the guy who came to did the reading accidentally wrote down a wrong number?

Another point is, based off the calculations I just made, assuming there wasn't an error by the guy, it still confirms that my average usage per month is about 200kWh, nowhere near the 300kWh average for the bill I just got. :/


  • +1

    The big consumers of energy are usually heating/cooling: stove, water heater, room heater, fridge, laundry dryer, etc.

    Do you have a hot water leak perhaps?

    • Thanks for the reply. :)

      Well, there isn't an obvious leak, else I'm quite sure I would have noticed. No water leaking or dripping out of taps etc.

      In terms of the other things you mentioned above, my habits have practically remained the same over the entire year.

      • +2

        If you have one of those meters with a rotating disk, or otherwise show instantaneous consumption, turn off things one at a time until it stops.

        • Yep, it's the rotating disk one. Looks like I might have to give that a go. Thanks!

      • If you have a smart meter, get a wattsclever monitor.

        • No smart meter. I live in a rental unit. It's one of the older clockface ones.

      • Seasonal variation in energy use is quite normal. In addition to heating, there are 4~6 hrs less daylight in winter than in summer, which require more energy.

  • Freezer iced up?
    Fridge door seal cracked?

    Heater on overnight through the cold July nights?

    Cooking with oven more often these days?

    • I don't use an oven at all, been broken for years!

      I guess it could be the heater. If I were to work out a rough estimate, I'd probably used it for about 70 ish hours throughout the winter months? If it matters, this is this exact heater model:…

      • +1

        Minimum of 800W, maximum of 2400W (so assume Medium power setting is 1600W)
        That mean's it chews 800W (0.8kW) per hour on Low, 1.6kW/hr on Medium or 2.4kW/hr on High.

        You have 333kW of unexplained usage.
        So if you had it on Low, that's 4.6 hours per day/night over the 90 day billing period
        On Medium , 2.3 hours/day
        On High 1.5 hours/day

        If your 70 hours estimate is correct, that only accounts for half the unexplained usage if it were on Maximum for the 70 hours..

  • +1

    laptop, is it plugged into all the time?

    did it say on the bill when the meter was last check?
    is there a reason why they might not be able to get to ur meter? locked gates? dog in yard etc? if they cant read your meter they make an estimate on past use, then when they check again they can readjust

    • +1

      It'd be a wicked laptop that sucked down 3kW/day on charge!
      You'd probably notice the smouldering smell before the 90 days was up… :-)
      Good call on the estimated usage though.

    • Laptop is plugged into the power source close to 24/7, but laptop isn't turned on 24/7 though.

      All my bills are based off the actual readings. The meter is located outside the fence, so accessible 24/7.

  • Have you recently churned to Lumo? Sometimes the first bill is based on an estimate.
    edit: NVM, I see you confirmed the usage is genuine.

  • How many meters do you have?

    If you have more than 1. eg offpeak hot water, look at the change in consumption for each one that might give you a clue.

    But more likely this is the reason…

    .. your second read might have been an estimate and as such was too low for winter, considering that your winter bill was almost the same as your summer bill and you were away for two weeks of the summer.

    Now they have done an actual reading that low estimate is caught up

    I probably consumed more energy using the heater in winter.

    Yep heaters really boost a winter bill ALOT

    • I live in a row of 10 townhouses. The meters are located @ a spot that's accessible 24/7. And checking back my bills up to early 2013, they've all been based off actual readings.

      • Then it may have been reading error during winter as your winter consumption compared to your summer consumption (with 2 weeks away) is almost identical and winter bill's are in most cases always higher. Less day light and more heating.

        • -1

          The meters are located @ a spot that's accessible 24/7. And checking back my bills up to early 2013, they've all been based off actual readings.

          just because it says its actually a reading does not mean it actually is. i have high locked gates and 4 rottweilers and even when ive not let the meter guy in some times they have told me my meter was actually read…… they must have long distance x ray eyes, or there full of shit :)

  • +1

    Have you followed the power lead that comes out of your window?

    But as someone stated above, turn everything off - check to see if the dial is still moving. Then one by one, turn on each outlet.. You might find the copper in one of the walls has degraded enough that it's arching and drawing current.

    In short - Only an electrician will be able to tell you.

  • Just out of interest, which company are you with? just wanted to know as my last bill jumped by over 40%
    EDIT- sorry, didn't see that you were with Lumo. different company to me.

  • Looking @ the bills + meter readings again.

    The meter reading on the 16 October was 83,532. The meter reading today stands @ 83,688. That works out to 156kWh over the last 3.5 weeks, which seems slightly lower than my average of 200kWh.

    Do you guys reckon there's a chance the guy who came to did the reading accidentally wrote down a wrong number?

    Another point is, based off the calculations I just made, assuming there wasn't an error by the guy, it still confirms that my average usage per month is about 200kWh, nowhere near the 300kWh average for the bill I just got. :/

    • +1

      The other thing that happens often, is that they have estimated it for the previous readings. When they finally read it, it says you've used a lot more electricity in that period than you have done.

      Did you check the previous bills to the actual meter reading?

      For example:
      648 kWh over 15 April to 16 July could have actually been 848kW. So now, that they've actually checked it, your
      973 kWh over 17 July to 16 October could have been 773kW.

      The total of both is the same amount, just used at different periods.

      On a different note; how do they work out peak/offpeak electricity with the older analogue readers?

  • Get one of these and work through the house…

    My local library has them for loan..

  • Check your last bills and see if they are Actual or Estimated. Should be located where the charges are calculated on the bill. Some meter readers are damn lazy and won't come onto your property to accurately read your meter.

  • Using the desktop much more? Leaving it on all night?

    A desktop PC can eat half a unit an hour :(

    • I've always kept my desktop on unless I'm go away overnight or more. So that's a fixed variable.

  • Since July this year, if you rent, you will be paying for hot water heating not the landlord anymore.
    We got stung on the gas bill from July without anybody telling us, all over sudden it is double the amount…
    Could it have anything to do with it?

    Thanks our government……

    • Hmm, that'll be an increased on the gas, not electricity though, no?

  • All good suggestions, but simple answer is to call Lumo and ask for help. There are many possibilities that Lumo can help you identify what's going on:

    Your last bill was under estimated and this is a catch up bil.

    Incorrect actual reading.

    Change in your consumption.

    If first person cannot resolve, ask for a senior consultant.

    Good luck.

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