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OzBargain Turning Lucky 8 - Send in Your Happy Birthday Greetings & Win Gift Card Prizes



Closing Date 30/11/2014
Draw Date 02/12/2014


Description Gift Cards or PayPal Credit
No. of Prizes 8
Total Prize Pool $2,144.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit Unlimited
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites Account/Membership
Announcement of Winners

Here are the winners to our birthday competition this year:

  1. crunchy — $568
  2. Tinqer — $368
  3. wheresmandy — $368
  4. tonytone — $168
  5. tightarse — $168
  6. msmhw — $168
  7. PJC — $168
  8. nonbeliever — $168


Original Post

November is OzBargain's birthday month, and on the 27th of November we will be celebrating our EIGHTH BIRTHDAY! Yes it is all about the lucky 8 — pronounced similarly to "prosper" or "wealth" in Chinese. While OzBargain is not really about wealth creation (please contact a financial adviser on that), your money does go more miles by spending wisely, and this community is here to help you find the cheapest price and all the latest sales.

So this year we have decided to run a birthday greeting competition, similar to the one we did last year. For the next 3 weeks you can get prepared for your Happy Birthday greetings — it can be in the form of a

  • poem
  • photo / graphics art work
  • animated GIF
  • video

Or maybe you can get a suggestion from last year's winning entry — hanging an actual banner over a busy motorway.

However to celebrate OzBargain turning the lucky 8, we'll give out bonus points if the number 8 is included in your birthday greetings.

OzBargain 8

There will be eight winners this year totalling $2,144 in prize.

  • 1x 1st Prize: $568
  • 2x 2nd Prize: $368
  • 5x 3rd Prize: $168

"68" apparently sounds similar to "on the road to prosperity" in Chinese so there you go. The winners can claim either PayPal credit or Coles/Myer or Wish gift cards.

You can submit your entries in the comments below. Make sure you do that before Sunday 30 November 23:59 ADST. Moderators will pick winners, make announcements and send out the prizes the week after. Other rules:

  • 1 prize per person but multiple submissions are allowed.
  • Content need to be publicly viewable.

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closed Comments

  • Happy birthday and congratulations on an excellent 8 years to Scotty and to everyone else keeping Ozbargain up and running!

    My greeting in the nick of time is in the form of a starter kit masterfully designed in Paint :)


  • +1

    Happy Birthday OzBargain - I made you a gif …. (and it's a jpg)

  • +2
    Singularity #51515AEK/44 - *Nov 29 2022*
    Intercepted by OzBargain Quantum Server B (Windows Graphene)

    I hope this works. I used up all my units just so I can send a message back to OzBargain 2014 as the grandest 8th birthday gift. I remember the competition and it has forever pained me that I never entered. I'll be sharing a few stories from this time to intrigue you all as my entry.

    Oh and this this time travelling message? I got the units from a deal posted last year on the OzB metmeverse (internet's successor). After the movie Interstellar, some crazy scientist from Austria worked out a way to bend time. I think that was in the year 2019. He won the first Nobel Time Prize.

    • OzBargain is still quite popular in AUSNZ (Australia and New Zealand have now since merged). We have quite a few permanent connections with about 20-30 new brainjacks a day (people who decide to make OzB a part of their metmind). We actually have our own cryptocurrency now. Normal currency doesn't really exist in the world. Instead, everyone just decided to keep the power balanced by creating a different currency for each type of market and sector. It's so easy to track microeconomics now. We decided the name of the cryptocurrency through a poll.

    • Scotty is doing well. He moved us all to the metverse in 2020. We all pretty much became immortal with the new life extension drugs coupled with the new metverse. We simply use the VR devices at home or at work to connect. The address is merely the though of OzB and you're there. Some have opted to get retinal implants with a special interface for the new metsites. OzB has a Retinal Augmentor as a store rep that provides pretty good prices on ops every now and then. Life extenders are available for everyone over 25. You just get the treatment and your ageing process dramatically slows down. It has done wonders for the world. More time to find obtuse ways of saving coins too.

    • neil announced on the metforums a few years ago that he was going to fully copy himself onto a ePersona to help moderating the OzB. He basically just duplicated himself electronically and they're still in touch. Electronic brains are so much better than traditional ones. Neil was lucky to win the transplant in a OzB instant win competition. Neil is one of the fastest members of the site now. He just perceives information too fast.

    • jv, tightarse, trent86, monty.melb and easternculture formed an internet cabal back in 2017. They crowdfunded enough money to become full time deal appropriators. Finally, after scotty announced the metverse move they invested heavily into the ozbargain cryptocurrency and became major company shareholders of sorts. They conduct weekly virtual meetings in the metverse and broadcast on software based radio every fortnight. It's not audio though. It's a special waveform that can be converted directly to the message they relay if you all have brain-computer interface radios. Dick Smith II often has deals for these. The dick jokes are still ongoing. They are even more imaginative in the metverse where information is practically infinite.

    There is so much more I want to talk about but I must go back to the present. I'll endeavour to save more units so I can do this type of thing next time OzB celebrates its' 16th Birthday. Keep a lookout. Until then, keep submitting and helping each other out in the thrill and excitement that comes with saving money and then equally spending it.

  • Ode to Ozbargainers-

    O-zbargain, you can make me buy anything, when its a deal, even a
    Z-ebra striped pair of underwear, if it was 60% off
    B-eing a long time member, I gotta say that I'm
    A-ddicted to being frugal and the deals that I'm constantly
    R-efreshing over and over. From eneloops to dell monitors, these mouth
    G-apping deals and keep my credit card bills high but my feeling of
    A-ccomplishment even higher!
    I-'ve submitted my entry into this years birthday competition and hope that
    N-ext year's will be just a rewarding. Happy
    8-th birthday! :D Good luck to all

  • +1

    Happy Birthday Ozbargain!!! I made up the things bought through Ozbargain with one photo!! There are six 8s in the photo!!Thank you and keep going!!


  • +2

    Finally completed it…Here's my little game to test your Ozbargain knowledge.
    "Who wants to be an Ozbargainer?"

    Game is PPT formate so just hit full screen and enjoy the game…

    Note: Make sure audio is on :)


    • It's actually pretty good however you need to download it first to run locally. Can't play it with Google Drive PPT preview.

  • +10

    Announcement of Winners

    Here are the winners to our birthday competition this year:

    1. crunchy — $568
    2. Thoroughmas — $368
    3. wheresmandy — $368
    4. tonytone — $168
    5. tightarse — $168
    6. msmhw — $168
    7. PJC — $168
    8. nonbeliever — $168


    The winners are determined by moderators voting on the entries. Each moderator would give 1 to 8 points to the top 8 entries, and the winners are determined by the sum of scores he/she receives. There are a lot of good entries in this comp but Tony Abbott, while being badly defeated in the Senates over the last week or two, came to the #1 winner chosen by all moderators. Maybe he should do more of that :)

    I'll be contacting the winners over private message today.

    • Note to self for next year's birthday:

      Make another 'Downfall' parody video.

  • Just saw the winning entry, that video was hilarious and how the hell did you do it. +1 for amazing video editing skills, can see why you won. Congratulations crunchy :)

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