This was posted 10 years 4 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[50% off Start Wed] Nestle Drumsticks $3.99, Thinly Cut Chips $1.59 [Fruit&Veg Spl in Post] @Coles


Half Price Special Start Wednesday 12 Nov till 18th Nov

  • Nestle drumsticks $3.99
  • Thinly cut chips $1.59
  • Anzac biscuits 12pk $1.67
  • On the Menu meals 1kg lasagne $4.50

Fruit and Veg Spl's from 7th November Till 13th November


Product Price
Australian Asparagus Bunch $1
Australian Cos Lettuce $1.50
Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes 2 f $5
Australian Perino Tomatoes 200g Pack or Perino Gold Tomatoes 200g Pack 2 f $6
Australian Topless Pineapples $2.50
Australian Vine Ripened Tomatoes 500g Pack $2.50
Australian Whole Cup Mushrooms 500g Pack $5
Australian Yellow & White Nectarines $7kg
Coles Salted Cashews 750g Pack $10
Queensland Brown Onions 1kg Bag $1.30
Queensland Carrots 1kg Bag $1bag
White Seedless Grapes $6.90kg


Product Price
Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes 2 f $5
Australian Truss Tomatoes $4kg
Australian White & Yellow Peaches $7kg
Coles Salted Cashews 750g Pack $10
Coles West Australian Carisma Potatoes 2kg Bag $4
Green Kiwifruit 8 Pack $3
West Australian Continental Cucumber $1
West Australian Grape or Cherry Tomatoes 250g Pack $1.50
West Australian Hass Avocado 3 f $4
West Australian Snow Peas or Sugar Snap Peas 150g Pack $2
West Australian Strawberries 250g Punnet 3 f $4
White Seedless Grapes $7.90k


Product Price
Australian Asparagus Bunch $1
Australian Blueberries 125g Punnet $3.50
Australian Cup Mushrooms $7kg
Australian Green Beans $2kg
Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes 2 f $5
Australian Lebanese Cucumbers $1.80kg
Australian Navel Oranges $1.80kg
Australian Perino Tomatoes 200g Pack or Perino Gold Tomatoes 200g Pack 2 f $6
Australian White & Yellow Peaches $7kg
Coles Salted Cashews 750g Pack $10
Hass Avocado 2 f $3
White Seedless Grapes $6.90kg


Product Price
Australian Broccoli $1.50kg
Australian Brushed Potatoes 3kg Bag $4
Australian Continental Cucumber 90c
Australian Hass Avocado 2 f $3
Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes 2 f $5
Australian Pink Lady Apples $3kg
Australian Seedless Watermelon $1kg
Australian Spring Onions or Celery Bunch $1
Australian Yellow & White Nectarines $7kg
Green Kiwifruit 6 f $2
Red Seedless Grapes $5.90kg
Victorian Cherry Burst 200g Pack $2


Related Stores


closed Comments

  • My local Coles had the mangoes 3 for $5 today (good size too)

  • Great effort, cheers Monty.

  • +5

    What on Earth has happened to the price of bananas recently? $5.70 this week, up from $3.99 last week?

  • -3

    Fruit and Veg Super Specials @ Coles

    Do you have the dates the above items were picked ???

    Not sure I want to buy 'fresh' fruit and veg from Coles ever again after reading this article…

    • +1

      Thanks jv dates updated in post

      • -3

        According to the article

        Australian Pink Lady Apples $3kg

        were picked back in April, about 7 months ago…

        • +3

          It's been like that for over 10 years. Us consumers demand everything and we demand it now so what do we expect when we all know apples are not on Trees 24mths of the year.

        • -2


          Us consumers demand everything

          But don't lie to us and claim it is fresh when it is 7 months old…

        • @jv:
          fresh from cool storage… nothing new :-)

        • @xywolap:

          fresh from cool storage…

          It's hardly fresh if it's been in storage for most of the year…

        • @jv:

          The ageing process is essentially frozen by the reduced oxygen environment in which the apples are stored. Scientifically and physiologically the apples are the same as freshly picked apples.

          If you reject science and can't overcome an irrational emotional aversion to these apples that's totally your prerogative. Would you prefer the alternative - that they import applies from, say China?

  • just wondering. Is the salted cashew after discount a good price? Compared to other places?

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