Do you think over the past few years bargain hunting has overall saved you money?
Does Bargain Hunting Save Money?

Poll Options
- 36Yes - Bargains have saved me money overall
- 6Not Sure
- 3Cost me a little
- 2Cost me a great deal of money, I'm such a happy fool
In general, it's meant to apply to all bargain sources, sales, freebies anywhere and everywhere.
Bit of a no brainer if you apply it in general. If you bought the first item you seen in the first shop you went in then you would most likely be out of pocket compared to if you shopped around. Any significant purchase must warrant some bargain hunter otherwise for lack of a better term, your the sucker the sales assistant seen coming. A better question would be bargain hunter on this site. Id say overall I think I'm about even, however I have more stuff thanks to it. I've bought some really great deals because I have been waiting for a good deal, however I have equally spent money on stuff I really didn't need, just because it was cheap. Example I must have at least 75+ eneloops, no regrets though, those bad boys are such great value. Example of a bad purchase was a few years back I bought 1 of those $50 real guitar like Logitech guitar hero guitars … at the time I was like ZOMG needed this, but I must have used it 2-3 times and now its gathering dust.
But saving money is only part of the payback. There is also satisfaction in getting a good deal, or finding things that are useful you wouldn't have known about. Of course some people take it to ridiculous limits and spend more time than warranted to get the last bit of savings. Or spit the dummy when things don't go as hoped. But with the Internet and parcel delivery, it is easier to beat a price with a bit of time spent online.
If you use this site to find a specific item you are looking for at a cheaper price, then you can save a lot of money. However, most of us end up buying random non-essential items just due to the fact it is a bargain. So in this sense, I've spent more money on random crap then I would have had I not known this site.
I don't even care, I play this game for the sport. For instance I don't play cricket and think about all the calories I'm losing. You just go out and enjoy the ride.
Save money of course.
Question should be has ozbargain lead you to buy something that was on sale that you have never usedThat would lead you to not save
I have a few examples like this
Got the Norton remote control car for 1 cent. Never used it
I didn't save one centI work in an independent liquor store. I have had people come into the store and ask that Dan Murphy's have 'x' product $1 cheaper and if we can match it. I say no, they will drive to Dan Murphy's to save $1. Dan Murphy's is 20 minutes further away so a 40 minute round trip. Surely fuel, time and effort is valued more than $1, surely!?
To an EMPLOYED person maybe haha no seriously those people annoy me too.
I definitely spending much more after I discovered this site. I don't usually buy unessential stuff before that. Now I just can't resist a bargain.
Bargain hunting in general, or this site? I'm going to assume the latter.