Best Way to Clean Dirty Tiles?


My 9year house has matte tiles in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.

Tiles near the kitchen sink, stove and bathroom have lot of dirt, grout etc. I managed to stream mop with water and cleared to some degree. But the bathroom seems stubborn and planning to get some strong chems to clear it.

Any recommendations?



  • +1

    shower power + scrubbing brush + (hot) water.

  • Bleach + toothbrush for the grooves

  • I use jif and a steelwood scrubber. Works like magic

  • The shower power people do a mould product, can't think of what it's called at the moment, but it works far better than bleach, without the nasty fumes.

    Citrus Resources do a range of concentrated cleaners that are made to be diluted, and are quite economical. Initial outlay is more than a standard bottle of cleaner but, diluted to the rate they're meant to be used, work out far cheaper. Their product designed for this purpose is Lencia, using the shock treatment - following the directions on the bottle, you pretty much spray on, come back 10 minutes later and wipe off, and it will remove most of the gunge you have.

    Any residual marks you have on the grout, attack them with an electric toothbrush (you'll no doubt have known you needed to do so, and saved an old head for this lol) and jiff or gumption. Once you have it cleaned, a daily spray after you shower with Lencia, at the very dilute rate (works out about 40cents a bottle or something miniscule like that) will prevent any further build up.

    Gumption will do the job well too, but involves a lot more work.

  • The partner and i have spent the last couple of days cleaning our tiles (dont think the previous person ever cleaned them so they were quite disgusting)

    We used BAM shower cleaner (currently half price at woolies if interested) plus hand scrubber, they are blue and white with white bristles, but cant remember if i got them from coles or woolies, but have a great handle for really putting pressure on it.

    Works wonders, they came up like new. A lot of elbow grease put in but the results are amazing.…

    We have used it for the bathroom, plus the tiles in the whole place. Very good stuff

  • A great product is a little scraper you can buy from bunnings for a couple of dollars. It is like a razor blade I think you use it to get paint off glass. I used it for gunk on the tiles (don't know what hair product my brother in law was using but there was a wax build up) and the shower screen and then I used it to clean the oven.
    It takes some time but gets the built up gunk off better than chemicals.

  • +2

    Elbow grease - ask for it at Bunnings or any good hardware store and they should help you out.

    • it usually next to the tins of striped paint.

      • +1

        And the left hand screw drivers

  • My first instinct is some sort of floor stripper product. They're generally a bit stronger than standard "heavy duty" cleaners at the shops.

    You might be able to find a good scrub brush that can pole mount. Get one that isn't too stiff, as it won't get into the crevices w/o a lot of pressure. Then, rinse with hot water & rags.

    A big job, but really no other way to do a good job without some elbow-grease.

    Good luck!

  • What's with all the toxic products? Surely it's not that bad that apple cider vinegar and bi-carb soda won't do the job just as well, or even better.

    • but thats a tonne more effort to get the same result.


    take off a fine layer of old dirty grout leaving you with the nice clean untouched stuff below.

  • Tile grout: Bug and Tar Remover for cars, and a toothbrush. It works like an absolute charm, don't know what it will do to the grout though… so use with caution.

  • why do you want to clean the tiles? are you selling your property? if so than hire professional cleaners. cleaning tiles in a kitchen, toilet and bathroom should take more than 60min-120min.

  • buy a bottle of the home brand version of Demestos (aldis is the cheapest and has same ingredients).
    put it over the tiles and grout and leave for 10 minutes then wash off.
    works great for basins as well.

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