Curious how long you guys should expect these to work for.
$150 tablet
$150 headphones
$150 ext hard drive (2TB in 2013)
$150 office chair (home use)
$150 microwave
Typically warranties are 12 months.
Anyone had issues getting these replaced beyond 1year (under 2) under the ACL consumer warranty reasonable time clause?
Statutory Warranty is a bit of a sham. There are some success stories here and on Whirlpool, but the issue is that nobody takes responsibility, neither the store nor the manufacturer and when you complain about it, it's very unlikely that anything would be done.
It's also a subjective thing to prove that your item should have lasted for X amount of time, which goes back around to saying that statutory warranty is something people around here love to throw around, but I doubt many, if any at all, have ever managed to make a successful claim.