This was posted 10 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Corsair Ax760 PC Power Supply $163~ US Shipped @ Amazon

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Very well reviewed unit, as you'd expect for a Seasonic inside :p

Platinum efficiency, fan isn't needed for more uses, full modular cables etc

$135 US plus a reasonable $28 US~ shipping to Melbourne makes it the cheapest from Amazon yet, compared to more like $250 AU for local stock.

Corsair will honour international warranties and have good CS in my experience, but I do think you'll have to ship it overseas at your cost.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -8

    Nice find, but for ethical reasons I always attempt to shop in Aus :)

    • +3

      ethical reasons?

      • +5

        Yeah, Ebany likes being ripped off and paying the Australian tax, not doing so would be un Australian….. Not!

      • +2

        an ethical shopper? does that breed even exist? i thought it was a shopper eat shopper world out there.

        • It doesn't have to be, but it certainly can be.
          Often I see people get free items (e.g. games on Steam) and then share with those who miss out, these people are wonderful souls who's selfless acts help mitigate some of the greed we often find tainting society today.

          I believe ethical shoppers simply choose to remain quite regarding their ideologies to avoid all the negative feedback.

    • +1

      Lol it is very unozbargain for you to say that.

      • -2

        Possibly, but if it's not a digital product I consider it very un-Australian to purchase outside the country. In fact that's the reason I originally came to Ozbargain so long ago.

        The following can be found in the "about us" section of this site, note the "in Australia" part

        [What is OzBargain?

        OzBargain is you, the community of on-line shoppers in Australia. This is the place where we share the best bargains in Australia and share them with each other. Our goal is simple – bringing the best deals and bargains in Australia to consumers.]

        That said, the ethical reason primarily reside in the warranty issues one faces if the product is a dud. Judging by the negative votes my comment received there must be a few children on this site who still live in mum's basement and get her to do all the international returns.

        btw, I'm not attacking you, I just happened to hit "reply" to the last email I received - yours is actually a very apt response :)

        • +1

          A fool and their money are soon parted…

        • -1

          @wisc: Often by the greedy in society…..

        • +1

          I don't see how this is any different to returning something interstate or even from an online store, you go to the post office and pay to have it shipped out… unless your buying from a physical bricks and mortar store, I fail to see the issue… even then, 90% of the time the local post office is going to be
          1. closer - less fuel, less time to get there.
          2. easier to deal with that a store trying to avoid honouring a warrantee…

          in fact, besides the ethical reasons of supporting a local business (and keeping money in Australia) the only advantage I can think of in regards to buying locally is that you have it here and now rather than waiting.
          when I order stuff from AU via mail, in many cases items ordered from the US have arrived quicker than the ones from Australia!

        • -1

          @wisc: I respect your choice as I respect the OP posting this deal, hence the +1 vote from me, but apparently it's not reciprocated as I received negative votes for preferring to purchase within Australia - ironically, exactly what this site was created.

          I find it annoying when people jump straight on the "-" button like this forum is Facebook. Hell, I could have gone all negative myself - Not only have I found cheaper prices of this deal, but the offer was for a limited number of items which could be construed as a breach of the posting regulations.

          Anyway, all that aside, I'm still happy to purchase within Australia from companies like PCCG - even if it means I have to wait for a special or pay for a slightly higher price.

          Except games, the Aus tax on games irritates me so badly I refuse to buy at Aussie prices ….. CD Projeck RED is the only real exception to this, I purchased 2x Collector Ed's of The Witcher 3 from EB (+1 from GoG).

  • AUD $197 to Perth. Do you need a transformer to use this here?

    • +2

      Universal AC input from 90~264V. No more hassle of flipping that tiny red switch to select the voltage input!

      • yup, just make sure you check the red switch near the power cord on the PSU before you plug it into the wall.

        Pretty much all big brand PSU especially the ones comming from Seasonic has dual voltage.

  • Great PSU at a great price. Here's an in depth review:…

  • +1

    With shipping and currency conversion it works out $67 cheaper than buying from my local store in SA, not bad.. but paying shipping back to US both ways if you get a dud or any problems in the next 7 years would totally wipe that saving out and then some, tempting but not sure it's worth the gamble. Adding a 4790K however only increases the shipping rate by 2 bucks so there's that..

    • Only 4 left in stock :)

      • Well, I just spent $811, so one of them is mine.. lol. Looks like i'm building a new computer!

        • @Ebany:

          Doesn't ship to Australia and Newegg pricing for Australia is often different to the US prices. Shipping is also not free unfortunately.

        • @combatant: Damn, those lying bas^ds! I checked out the shipping in the FAQ's and (even made a fake order to test it) they said they shipped to Australia.

        • -1

          @combatant: After hours I finally go through to the Live Chat people, they said NewEgg won't ship this product internationally as it's US only. I could get no further information, all they'd do from there is tell me to contact Corsair. Weird.

        • @Ebany: huh. I told you Newegg didnt ship this item to Aus. Best to just go through Amazon or buy locally. For Newegg you have to change the country in the top bar to Australia which filters out the stuff they won't ship here.

        • -1

          @combatant: It was meant to be an edit to the previous message, mostly for peoples general info. I heard a rumour that purchasing outside of Aus voided any warranty, was trying to find out if that's true.

          That said, a person can still buy from NewEgg if they use a service like Viabox. If it's for only 1 item then it's really not worth the effort and going through Amazon (or someone similar) is a better choice.

    • +1

      Had to return a Corsair AX850 maybe 12-18 months ago and ended up replacing with an AX860. Cost me around $100AUD to return it via Aus Post. Amazon repaid me the shipping fees but gave me $100USD, no questions asked. So I actually got refunded more than I paid.

      Besides, unless the failure was within say 12 months of purchase most stores here would make you do warranty/RMA through Corsair directly which means shipping off to Taiwan or something anyway.

      • That's reassuring, and impressive service!

        • I once had something worth ~$50us that failed outside of warranty. They refunded the entire cost including the original postage and I didn't even need to send it back. Amazon #1

      • Thats interesting. Amazon repaid you shipping fees? Do they do this for all customers?

        • If you have to return something due to a fault or similar and you have purchased it from Amazon with the seller being Amazon themselves, then yes Amazon will refund you the return shipping fees and then ship out a replacement or alternative with no additional shipping charges to apply. That's been my experience anyway.

          Always been extremely happy with Amazon and I've bought multiple expensive items including GPU's, Power Supplies, Headphones, Tabets etc. Just have to make sure that Amazon is the actual Seller.

        • @combatant: Is the $100 USD their fixed refund rate, or is it based on what you declare was your shipping costs?

          If you spend $50 AU, will they still pay $100 USD?

        • @lostn: It's based on what return postage cost was and I in turn quoted to Amazon. If it was $50 they would have refunded me $50.

  • Shipping's gone up to USD 86.25 to Melbourne =[

    • Really? I'm still seeing $28.50

      Stock is delayed a bit now though.

    • +2

      Make sure Amazon is selected as the seller. Others can sell through Amazon too, but you always want to choose Amazon where possible.

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