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Injustice: Gods Among Us PS4 - Free on PS Plus in December + Infamous First Light - Free on PS Plus in January


Injustice PS4 Free on PS Plus in December, Infamous First Light Free on PS Plus in January!

December (Available Now)

  • Injustice: Gods Among Us – Ultimate Edition (PS4)
  • Secret Ponchos (PS4)
  • Hitman Trilogy HD (PS3)
  • Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut (PS3)
  • Final Horizon (PS Vita)
  • Titan Attacks (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)


  • inFAMOUS: First Light
  • The Swapper
  • More TBC

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closed Comments

  • EU only? remember most people are either us or au side

    • Eu is the same as au

    • And it is US too.

  • That's really weird. They never announce months ahead like that…

    • +1

      People have been cracking the shits lately. Its trying to quell that.

    • It is really for good will because of driveclub not getting released. They announced this weeks ago

  • +1

    The infamous standalone is awesome from what I hear. Hope it comes to the US igc too.

  • -3

    Said many times before but ill say it again.
    PS+ is a paid subscription so these games arent "free"

    Forum post

    Appreciate the headsup tho :)

    • 'Free' is just a simpler word to use, for how everyone already understands the system to work. I doubt anyone actually think it's free without subscription. If you bought PS+ just for online multiplayer on PS4, then it really is free.

      • My point was more that the word "free" isnt required.

        How is this any different to saying MTV channel is free if you have foxtel?

        • What word would you substitute it with?

        • +2

          Nothing. Like you said people who have ps+ know the deal. People who dont and dont understand PS+ wont be mislead.

          Injustice PS4 on PS Plus in December, Infamous First Light on PS Plus in January

        • -1


          I have PS+ and I didn't know about the deal…. especially considering there is no mention of December's 'free' games from the PS+ catalogue.

          In my opinion, I do feel it's free.
          You're paying to play multiplayer (Like MS did with the Xbox) but at least here, you get free games periodically.

          Think of it like paying for a magazine subscription and getting a free item every month with the magazine.

        • @Deviner:

          You're paying to play multiplayer

          You may be, but for a lot, they're subscribing for the included games and never touch MP. Remember, it is only PS4 that requires PS+ for MP, the millions of PS+ PS3 users do not have this as part of their purchase calculation.

        • Im in this boat. Been paying for PS+ since day one. All for the games. Multiplayer isnt really that important to me

        • +3

          Regardless how you "feel" about it, you paid for it.

          You gave sony money. Sony gave you a game.

          You dont give sony money. Sony doesnt give you a game.

          You stop giving sony money. Sony stops your ability to play the game.

          Im not disputing this is a good deal because i love PS+ but it simple isnt FREE

        • @britta:

          Sony game you a game.

          I don't feel gamed by Sony ;)

        • +1

          You win this round CyberGenesys ;p

        • @britta:

          I didn't mean the only reason people have PS+ is for multiplayer.
          I meant to say that, you can't play most multiplayer games without PS+ so, if you're someone who wants to play multiplayer, you will get PS+ and the idea of getting the games is an added bonus which makes it feel almost 'free'.

          I understand what you guys mean though - if you're getting PS+ purely for the games like you always have been doing, then you're getting exactly what you're paying for and you're right, this wouldn't feel 'free' at all.

        • @Deviner:

          you can't play most multiplayer games without PS+

          Overall, statistically with PS games, that is wrong. There are far more games you can play without PS+ than can’t. However, if you’re referring to PS4, then 100% of the games require PS+.
          If you’re using PS3 or PS Vita, then 100% of the games do not require PS+.

        • +2


          However, if you’re referring to PS4, then 100% of the games require PS+.

          Not quite, Free2Play PS4 games do not require PS+ eg Warframe, Blacklight, DCU Online, that ww2 fighter plane game etc

        • +1


          I did not know this, very nice of them, and I can understand why they would.

        • @britta: Actually in your case, it's a risky investment given that the moment you default (or change your mind) on PSplus you will lose access to your truckload of games got this way. That is the only downer i have with these PSplus "freebies". They aren't genuinely free, they are basically rentals where u have to keep plus active to keep them working else go bust.

    • But these games come "free" with the subscription. It just became the norm that people are subscribing for the game but the game was actually an incentive for people with plus.

      • +1

        Dont forget that PS+ has been around for a long time. Long before it was required for online play. Before the PS4 PS+ was all about the games. Thats what you pay for and if you dont own a ps4 then you are paying for the games and nothing else.

        • Exactly wish it stayed that way haha.

          Don't care about these games at all but I can see why some ppl do.

          For me, It's all about the multi player and we can see they're investing it well into upgrading this service /s

    • -1

      The games aren't automatically added to your account, PS+ is required for online.

      This shows that the games are actually free, if you were paying for the games then they would automatically be added to your account each month.

      • The games aren't automatically added to your account,

        Correct, as Sony have to reimburse based on "purchase" rate. Why would they pay for games to give away to people who never want them? That would be crazy.

        Firmware 2.00 adds this feature:
        Add to library: The monthly free PlayStation Plus games will have an ‘Add to Library’ button in the PlayStation Store. This button will add a game to a PS4 owner’s library without downloading it – saving space on their hard drive.

        PS+ is required for online.

        Not on PS3 it isn't.(I know, this post is about PS4 games)

      • It you stop paying sony you lose access to play the game. Is the game still free?

    • +1

      Said many times before but ill say it again.
      PS+ is a paid subscription so these games arent "free"

      100% agree, this should be a forum post and has been argued by many in the past and from memory being moved to forums a few times.
      FORUM for PS+ included games.
      If it is a PS+ discount on a purchase, that is a deal.

    • Its kinda free. PsPlus is now required for online multiplayer and some other services, the same as which Xbox has been charging for years. So paying for this + getting 'free games' in conjunction with it kind of makes it free? No?

      • +1


    • surely 70 positive votes means this is a good deal?

    • To play devil's advocate. Xbox games are sometimes free/discounted without a Xbox Gold. When I see posts that don't mention that Gold is needed and I go to download… I get sad.

  • +1

    Was going to get IFL eventually, but now I'll wait and play it for free.

  • Awesome

  • +1

    Dammit, I only just picked up Injustice for my PS4… that's annoying ah well.

    • +1

      That happens to me a lot. Discourages me from buying anything at all.

    • Same here :/

    • Sell it to somebody else who doesnt know?

      • I has digital

  • +3

    How is this a deal? Sounds more like an ad.

    • +3

      I agree, these used to always be forum posts and get negged if posted as a deal. But since Games with Gold posts are 'allowed' these PS+ monthly updates seem to be allowed too.

      I thought the general gist was; if the subscription was discounted then it is a deal, but the subscription itself, while being excellent value for money, is not a deal.

  • +2

    Good but should be in forums i think…

  • +3

    PS+ has gone down the crapper since the PS4 released.

  • Just checked the November games, never heard of any of them :( doesn't mean they're bad of course.

    • escape plan has a lot of good reviews.

  • So now Playstation Plus posts are allowed?

    • According to my negs….yes LOL

  • +1

    oh god whatever you do, avoid final horizon.

    its 150mb i will never get back

    • yeaaaaaah, same with secret ponchos imo. maybe i just don't "get it" but to me it's bullcrap.

  • Awesome.

    So I am noticing that many worthwhile indie games on PC/OSX get ported to Playstation. I already paid full Steam RRP. Games such as Don't Starve, Spelunky, Fez, Binding of Isaac.

    I can tell you that Titan Attacks is the best space invaders reimagining to date. And I have The Swapper on my Steam todo list. Sony appear to be cherry picking the good indies with gamepad controls. So should I stop buying them on Steam and just wait for the PS+ port?

  • Good way to get people to subscribe again. Don't expect good games like these to continue anytime soon after January.

  • +1

    Not sure how many people aren't aware of this, but you can log in to the web store and add the PS Plus titles to your cart that way, no matter what systems you own. Then if you end up picking up another console later on, you'll have a decent library of games available immediately. It's also good for when the indie games have crossbuy and get rereleased on a different platform.

  • The game is usually 21gb to download but for some reason mine downloaded around 5gb, and the only game modes i can play is single fight and practice, (multiplayer and story mode is unavailable). Any one else have the same problem?

    • +3

      It's still downloading the rest of the game. It's so people can play while it's downloading.

  • I thinks its time for me to get a ps+ US.. Can anybody advice for a good deal for a 1year membership for ps+ US?

  • Thanks mate.
    But cant seem to find anything for sale on neogames ebay store
    …..or am i looking on the wrong one?

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