I received this generic coupon at PAX. I'm sure you could print your own and present it at your local DSE.
I know they're not Eneloops but someone may be interested.
Definitely can't be used online.
I received this generic coupon at PAX. I'm sure you could print your own and present it at your local DSE.
I know they're not Eneloops but someone may be interested.
Definitely can't be used online.
As someone whose been on OzBargain from the early days, I'd say Duraleaks are the worst 'brand name' batteries you can buy. Energizers are fine for non-rechargeables. The "copper top" refers to the corrosion when Duracells leak ;)
Who needs Energizer Rechargeable when Eneloop 8 packs are $14.99 :)
I hope the OP didn't buy those Energizer Rechargeable at 30% off when they've got Eneloops at 50% off lest ye waste money.
Nah, I don't need batteries.
He runs on bacon
Doesn't buying Energizers get you thrown out of the OzBargain community?