Couldn't go to PAX this year, so if anyone is going to PAX this year and receives League of Legends related gifts (skin codes), and doesn't need them, feel free to PM them me! :)
Also post and share with other LoL ozbargainers.
PAX - league of legends skins

bs0 on 31/10/2014 - 12:49
I'm going tomorrow, I'll try and grab a few for you ozbargain guys.
hey, that's awesome! thanks so much :)
Awesome !!
I think I have some dread knight garen codes if anyone is interested ?
Can you please PM me one :)
I managed to pick up like 3-4 cards, I can give 1 away, PM me.
anddddddd gone.
actually, I'm going to give away another code;
this time the skin for MF and Kayle + Ward Skin…
naw damn i wish i was in melbourne. would love a skin code
I'd like some skin codes if there are any available.