Hey guys,
I saw a recent post in a deal that catchoftheday offers free shipping for $50+ orders.
Obviously that's not true, but I was wondering if they will have or have had any events like that, especially around Christmas.
Hey guys,
I saw a recent post in a deal that catchoftheday offers free shipping for $50+ orders.
Obviously that's not true, but I was wondering if they will have or have had any events like that, especially around Christmas.
We ran the free shipping for orders over $50 from 12noon on the day of the birthday (the 29th) till 12 noon the next day. If you want to know if a deal still exists, search for it on our website. Were you after something specific?
Really? I saw a post for the $50+ orders on the 29th but when I tried to purchase a pair of headphones, there was a shipping cost in my shopping cart :( Thats why i missed out on buying it during the birthday sale. I'm looking to buy a different pair thats over $50 but I'm not sure when you guys will have another event :/
It's hard to say what happened to you personally - in future please contact our Help Centre to look into issues like these as they appear: https://helpcentre.catchoftheday.com.au/hc/en-us
Um, is there an approximate date of the next event? I'm not sure if these will still be available by then.
I'm guessing you guys don't make free shipping exceptions to certain customers :3
I was using the android app, is there a tab that notifies us of these events? I could only see the $10 postage cap on the top of the screen.
Hey there, it should have worked - did you take a screenshot by chance? We do try to advertise our promotions across all apps / sites / outbound comms.
I didn't take a screenshot but i definitely didn't notice anything different from how the app normally looks. Where should the event have been posted in the app version?
@prim3: Front page, also would have been a push notification.
Did anyone else have this issue using the app? I also didn't receive an email about the promotion.
If you can message me your email address I can make sure you're subscribed to our mailing list.
Hey man, prob better you delete that comment rather than have it publicly available. To be sure, instead (I thought people could message me here, must be a limited thing), please contact our Help Centre who can check for you: https://helpcentre.catchoftheday.com.au/hc/en-us
Free shipping event till midnight: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/167785
:-! If only I was told earlier, I already placed the order hours earlier…
Also, if these events exist, will the more expensive items such as headphones be taken off the website?